Alright, I'm a little disturbed and confused. I went online to a site where you can look up old high school friends...first you type in your info, and register, and then you can look them up. Well, I typed in my info and it said that I have already registered. Excuse me, but no I haven't. It goes by your full name, school name, city, birthdate, and graduation year. I went to a small high school, noone shared my full name. And I definitely have never registered at this site, or attempted to look up old buddies from high school.
So why the fuck am I already registered?
Does this mean someone is saying they are me? I don't see any reason. I'm confused.
Strange indeed.

On another note...
I start physical therapy this week for my back. I am looking forward to some relief from all the pain. Keep your fingers crossed for me.

and my Jeep is in the shop as I type this. They should be finished with it by the weekend, so I will finally be mobile again!!!! Bumming rides all the time was becoming tiresome!
I posted a new pic of myself looking very nerdy...check it out.

Oh that made you laugh? Well oops *slaps your ass* haha gotcha.

happy halloween