Thanks for all the cheers from my kick-ass friends!

There is a stink bug living in my room-mate's freaky funky cactus. They are strange looking little beetles. I don't know thier "real" name....i just remember them from elementary school, we would always have stink-bugs on the bus going home and all of us little kids would be freaking out yelling, "Don't squish it, if you squish it...it will smell BAD!" All that chaos and commotion over this tiny little funky beetle who apparently has a tendency to get lost, or stuck inside school buses.....and I guess they stink, I dunno, I always thought they were too cool looking to kill, so I left them alone.
I'm still recovering from the accident, and I am in Happy-Pill-Land. Pain killers are good things. If they don't help with the pain, they will at least make you care less!
Bad news about my Jeep....the insurance company considers it a total loss, so now it is totalled. But i do have some options, I can keep it and try to have it fixed on the measley amount the insurance company thinks my vehicle is worth, or I can try to buy another car with the money. Either way, it is going to be difficult with the amount they are giving me.
I want to know why insurance companies get to use wholesale prices when determining the value of your vehicle, but the repairs through thier company are at retail cost?!? I fucking hate insurance companies! When did they start making the laws for everything? Our medical care, prescriptions, transportation, etc, all seem to be dictated by the "Mighty Insurance Man."
I'm going to go zone out and enjoy my buzzzzz....

I have tWo black widoWs.........sOoo cute......We R twInS ....kinda with matching JeePS......lets go find some ghosTs.....and sleep under the staRS
LOL yes painkillers are fun--Let me guess they gave you Vicoden?--Be careful with those though--I've been on stronger pain meds for four years now and technically I am an addict whether the reasons are legitimate or not--And as for the insurance people I'll accompany amber with sniper rifles haha
--Take care sweetie--And good luck with your situation *hugs*