This octopus is kicking my ass... robot
bah frown I am SO sorry. I've been utterly out of the loop recently - ill; away, braindead. I can't apologise enough frown I LOVE the picture smile It's so awesome, the way you draw eyes blows my mind.. It's so neat. I'm so sorry I've been so MIA lately. forgive me? You deserve lots of money and recognition. Talent like that should NOT go to waste. x
I'm pretty protective of my right hand, as one would assume.


I managed to slice my finger open at work the other day, and now it's swollen and infected, and it hurts when I draw. At least I can move it without it causing too much pain. Crap.
wow that sucks, sorry to hear that. kisses for your finger! kiss
For the love of all that is good and decent, someone inspire me! skull

Also, I hate the latest "my SG" layout.
Your artwork is amazing smile
God bless ANY woman that would voluntarily take nude pictures of themselves. I salute thee.

(Also God would bless topless women in jeans and high heels. Just so you know.)
God Bless anyone who would sit down and voluntarily draw women who voluntarily take nude pictures of themselves. biggrin
ANY woman?
I am, for a lack of a better word, depressed. Actually, I think that sums it up quite nicely. Crap. frown
I have things to mail to people, but no address to send them to. Not to get them to people I'd like to have them, anyway. So, if you want to get mail from me on occassion, mail that I don't think you'll throw away, you need to give me an address to send it to. So what are you waiting for? Hop to it!...
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My frame shop is sexy for the first time possibly ever. It's far past being clean enough to eat off of. It's so clean you could have sex in it and not roll over anything you wouldn't want to. Not that I plan on trying that or anything. biggrin Really.
nice. love
You've got less than a week to wait now. wink