when your best friend gets married, its totally awesome. especially when theyre serving beer at the reception long before they serve food, and you had nothing to eat that morning. i was completely shitfaced by noon thirty.
it was good seeing a lot of people i hadnt seen in years. it worked to break the ice of living in the city and getting to hanging out with all these people i used to roll with years ago. the after party is here tonight. you should roll if you live around here.
i was walking to get food after i got home from the wedding, and the giants game had just ended, and two total bro girls were walking down second as i was walking up. they told me i was gorgeous and took pictures of me. i was flattered? i dunno. kinda sketchy.
hit me up. im still drunk.
it was good seeing a lot of people i hadnt seen in years. it worked to break the ice of living in the city and getting to hanging out with all these people i used to roll with years ago. the after party is here tonight. you should roll if you live around here.
i was walking to get food after i got home from the wedding, and the giants game had just ended, and two total bro girls were walking down second as i was walking up. they told me i was gorgeous and took pictures of me. i was flattered? i dunno. kinda sketchy.
hit me up. im still drunk.
i need beev in my life.