i guess i can only update on days off? i dunno. the fucking wireless at my house huffs dongs and i dont see it getting fixed anytime soon. i guess its a repeater issue? i dont even know what a repeater is unless were talking about fugazi.
i had this big plan of riding down the embarcadero to in n out, and then maybe riding all the way out to ocean beach or something seeing as how it was my day off, but NOOOOOO. it had to fucking rain. im not a pussy, and ill totally ride in the rain if i have to, but not for the sake of a burger. so, my grandma called and took me to see madagascar instead. it was ok. it would have been WAY better if there was more sacha baron cohen in it.
its fucking pouring. jesus christ.
tonight is return to taco island at my house. i dont know if ill be partaking though. i guess im going to dinner with my grandparents first. i dont know if a bunch of mexican food will be needed to be eaten after a bunch of wherever the hell they plan on going. however, they do eat at like 5 30 everything, so if taco island doesnt happen until like 10 30 who knows.
sunday...big show. big business/saviors/night after night/streets. if you live near SF, you need to be there.
has anyone caught the hellfest line up? fucking 108 is playing. im going to smash the shit out of motherfuckers. look forward to my sauconys on your face during "solitary" and during "i refuse".
that is all for now.
i had this big plan of riding down the embarcadero to in n out, and then maybe riding all the way out to ocean beach or something seeing as how it was my day off, but NOOOOOO. it had to fucking rain. im not a pussy, and ill totally ride in the rain if i have to, but not for the sake of a burger. so, my grandma called and took me to see madagascar instead. it was ok. it would have been WAY better if there was more sacha baron cohen in it.
its fucking pouring. jesus christ.
tonight is return to taco island at my house. i dont know if ill be partaking though. i guess im going to dinner with my grandparents first. i dont know if a bunch of mexican food will be needed to be eaten after a bunch of wherever the hell they plan on going. however, they do eat at like 5 30 everything, so if taco island doesnt happen until like 10 30 who knows.
sunday...big show. big business/saviors/night after night/streets. if you live near SF, you need to be there.
has anyone caught the hellfest line up? fucking 108 is playing. im going to smash the shit out of motherfuckers. look forward to my sauconys on your face during "solitary" and during "i refuse".
that is all for now.
That's like 50 points for origionality.
Have fun smashing the people. That's always a good time!
before we go dancin head to head... your sauconys... my pumas...
its on.