i had plans to update you on the party, the ensuing hangover, and watching people smoke crack on the muni as well as co workers of mine doing whippets off of whipped cream canisters at work, but i have to leave to go to dinner with my grandparents right now. the wireless internet is working at my house, but guess whos computer is blowing it? mine. ill try and straighten this out, or maybe ill go sit outside of the cnet building and update from there. sit tight kids.
More Blogs
Monday Aug 08, 2005
comadre fucking killed it. the russian rave was the worst thing ev… -
Thursday Aug 04, 2005
theres a russian rave going on here tomorrow night. fucking kill me n… -
Wednesday Aug 03, 2005
fuck being sick. not the kind of sick where youre out and out sick, b… -
Monday Aug 01, 2005
if anyone has any idea as to why my stomach goes into violent convuls… -
Friday Jul 29, 2005
the show was fucking goooood times. i am paying for it today. the sta… -
Wednesday Jul 27, 2005
i had to spend an hour and a half in the walk in freezer at work toda… -
Sunday Jul 24, 2005
sounds of the underground was a goooood fucking time. madball, high o… -
Friday Jul 22, 2005
to anyone whos going to be at sounds of the underground tomorrow...i … -
Tuesday Jul 19, 2005
sotu on saturday i have a feeling its gonna be one of those kinda day… -
Sunday Jul 17, 2005
today started with beers and burgers at zeitgeist and it didnt stop u…