i had plans to update you on the party, the ensuing hangover, and watching people smoke crack on the muni as well as co workers of mine doing whippets off of whipped cream canisters at work, but i have to leave to go to dinner with my grandparents right now. the wireless internet is working at my house, but guess whos computer is blowing it? mine. ill try and straighten this out, or maybe ill go sit outside of the cnet building and update from there. sit tight kids.
More Blogs
Monday Oct 17, 2005
the buzzcocks are awesome. so are the avengers. -
Saturday Oct 15, 2005
nothing like being the oldest person at a show, except for the parent… -
Friday Oct 14, 2005
life is good. i LOVE not being poor anymore. i cant say it enough. he… -
Wednesday Oct 05, 2005
so i guess ill keep updating. today i skated from that mall in emeryv… -
Friday Sep 30, 2005
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Wednesday Aug 24, 2005
the new everytime i die record is the record of the year. it slays ev… -
Saturday Aug 20, 2005
i know i always say this, but this time i really mean it. the show wa… -
Wednesday Aug 17, 2005
so im gonna be in a music video. i guess i have to look brutal and be… -
Monday Aug 15, 2005
ended up at deathrockbootycall tonight because my good friends band p… -
Friday Aug 12, 2005
i got the buyer job and i sold my car. i am no longer poor. kiss m…