ok, so i saw stars wars yesterday. for the record, i dont like star wars, and i wanted to see madagascar, but my roommates all wanted to get down with the force, so i was a team player. that shit was fucking AWFUL. the dialogue was the worst. straight out of seventh grade. biggest waste of like $20 ever. anyone who camped out in line to see that shit needs their fucking head examined.
yesterday i went to borders and pulled one of my favorite "sort of" scams. i took new books that someone gave me that probably werent even from borders back to borders and exchanged them for credit. while there, i listed to that "rise above" black flag covers comp that was a benefit for the west memphis three. some of those songs were actually pretty fucking good. not good enough to use my credit on, but worth a listen. the version of "american waste" with neil from clutch was fucking hard.
my mom called this morning to debrief me on all the cool, dysfunctional shit i missed at the memorial service because i was too busy drinking miller high lifes. god my family is retarded sometimes.
neurosis and red sparowes are playing on the 22nd, and my roommate has free ins, and a plus one. its pretty awesome to be me sometimes.
i talked to an old friend that i literally havent seen in like a year yesterday. it was while we were talking that we realized we havent hung out in a year. it sucks because hes the type of friend that can pull you out of the worst mood just by opening his mouth. hes also one of a very small amount of people that i know beyond a shadow of a doubt would do anything for me. its depressing to think about how much stock you put in your friends when youre younger, only to realize that more than half of them stop short as life goes on. oh well, at least i got a couple that will be there for the long haul. i could have none.
tonight i work the late shift and learn how to bake bread. should be awesome.
yesterday i went to borders and pulled one of my favorite "sort of" scams. i took new books that someone gave me that probably werent even from borders back to borders and exchanged them for credit. while there, i listed to that "rise above" black flag covers comp that was a benefit for the west memphis three. some of those songs were actually pretty fucking good. not good enough to use my credit on, but worth a listen. the version of "american waste" with neil from clutch was fucking hard.
my mom called this morning to debrief me on all the cool, dysfunctional shit i missed at the memorial service because i was too busy drinking miller high lifes. god my family is retarded sometimes.
neurosis and red sparowes are playing on the 22nd, and my roommate has free ins, and a plus one. its pretty awesome to be me sometimes.
i talked to an old friend that i literally havent seen in like a year yesterday. it was while we were talking that we realized we havent hung out in a year. it sucks because hes the type of friend that can pull you out of the worst mood just by opening his mouth. hes also one of a very small amount of people that i know beyond a shadow of a doubt would do anything for me. its depressing to think about how much stock you put in your friends when youre younger, only to realize that more than half of them stop short as life goes on. oh well, at least i got a couple that will be there for the long haul. i could have none.
tonight i work the late shift and learn how to bake bread. should be awesome.
I love the penguins.
Go see it.
I love the penguins.
Go see it.