what a weekend. i flew to portand for about 21 hours for my grandmothers memorial service. a lot of people i hadnt seen in years. even more of:
"yes, theyre real."
"yeah, some of them hurt."
"no, my mom doesnt hate them."
"that sounds neat. too bad you never ended up getting one..."
you know the drill.
my parents were a little less weird acting. they did seem glad to see me, and my dad didnt treat me like some weird business collegue (that doesnt look right). i ended up getting drunk with my cousin and my brother, and ran into shadows falls sound guy at some random party. cool to see familiar faces in unfamiliar places. im a poet and didnt know it.
being at the memorial service made me realize something though. i dont want my funeral/memorial service to be sad. i want dudes and chicks swilling down booze and singing along heartily to the pogues. remember the good times. i guess its not necessarily my place to tell people how to feel about people dying though. thats just my personal request, however.
you know what ive noticed? that theres like a set number of "sexy" position and poses on this thing. does anyone really think that a girl with her pinky kind of in her mouth is sexy anymore? i know this is a "pin up" site or whatever, but cmon. that shit is played out. am i alone on this one?
housewarming party is coming along. if youre nice, you might get invited.
thats all from outside the cnet building on second st. peace.
"yes, theyre real."
"yeah, some of them hurt."
"no, my mom doesnt hate them."
"that sounds neat. too bad you never ended up getting one..."
you know the drill.
my parents were a little less weird acting. they did seem glad to see me, and my dad didnt treat me like some weird business collegue (that doesnt look right). i ended up getting drunk with my cousin and my brother, and ran into shadows falls sound guy at some random party. cool to see familiar faces in unfamiliar places. im a poet and didnt know it.
being at the memorial service made me realize something though. i dont want my funeral/memorial service to be sad. i want dudes and chicks swilling down booze and singing along heartily to the pogues. remember the good times. i guess its not necessarily my place to tell people how to feel about people dying though. thats just my personal request, however.
you know what ive noticed? that theres like a set number of "sexy" position and poses on this thing. does anyone really think that a girl with her pinky kind of in her mouth is sexy anymore? i know this is a "pin up" site or whatever, but cmon. that shit is played out. am i alone on this one?
housewarming party is coming along. if youre nice, you might get invited.
thats all from outside the cnet building on second st. peace.
Are you bitter.. or just retarded?
and i agree i want a total irish wake after i die.
but i figure its easier to just be a dick so no one comes