tomorrows the big screening. i better land this fucker or else. i think im catching the as/giants game on sat. great prelude into a night of hard boozing. i guess all hell broke loose on the site today or something? i think rick ta life said it best when he said "haterz be damned". the new mxpx song is really good. i know its embarassing to say, but it sounds like social d meets the descendents. im fucking done writing. hit you up post interview tomorrow.
More Blogs
Monday Jun 13, 2005
ah...nothing like the sweet taste of a day off. today i plan on doing… -
Saturday Jun 11, 2005
so today i went to BFD. heres a band by band wrap up: every move a… -
Saturday Jun 11, 2005
so today i went to BFD. heres a band by band wrap up: every move a… -
Wednesday Jun 08, 2005
nothing like having to close at work and get off around 11, to have t… -
Monday Jun 06, 2005
so im home, and the wireless decided to work! now i can listen to jes… -
Monday Jun 06, 2005
i had plans to update you on the party, the ensuing hangover, and wat… -
Thursday Jun 02, 2005
fun times at 58 tehama last night! for those of you that dont know, w… -
Tuesday May 31, 2005
ok, so i saw stars wars yesterday. for the record, i dont like star w… -
Monday May 30, 2005
what a weekend. i flew to portand for about 21 hours for my grandmoth… -
Friday May 27, 2005
its been days. im sure youve all been on the edge of your fucking sea…