today i beat "downtown texas hold em" on my phone. ive been playing it for like two weeks straight. i actually have learned a lot about playing hold em because of it. the strategies are pretty simple. it just takes experience.
the as beat boston tonight. i dont really care for boston all that much, but i fucking hate the as. i hate eric byrnes. i hate that the as won even though they played like shit. detols sweet no foot on the bag error in the 9th was cause enough for them to not win. but they did anyway. fuck that.
i was going to go the the wednesday red sox/as game because its dollar night at oakland coliseum, and im poor, but i found out it was a day game. so i decided to buck up and get center field bleacher seats for the fucking GIANTS/DODGERS game next wednesday! im gonna get there like two hours early so i can sit in the front, and you KNOW i will be heckling. however, im a positive heckler. i dont curse, and i try my best to be funny. baseball is a family sport. cant be screaming "fuck" around elementary school kids.
i got a call about my job today. i guess im going to work at a location i didnt apply at? weird. its not four blocks away like the other one, but its bike rideable. hopefully my ass will be in shape in no time.
after receiving the new lucero, i received the new minus the bear and oasis records. i havent really listened to anything but the new lucero because, well, its the new lucero. "the war" is the best song on the record.
i bought the life aquatic today. maybe ill check that out later.
my cousin came over for dinner tonight. inspite of having serious issues that come with growing up the son of a coke addict, cross dressing father and a pill addict mother, hes still managed to land himself miss all america 2005 as his gf. well see how long that lasts.
the as beat boston tonight. i dont really care for boston all that much, but i fucking hate the as. i hate eric byrnes. i hate that the as won even though they played like shit. detols sweet no foot on the bag error in the 9th was cause enough for them to not win. but they did anyway. fuck that.
i was going to go the the wednesday red sox/as game because its dollar night at oakland coliseum, and im poor, but i found out it was a day game. so i decided to buck up and get center field bleacher seats for the fucking GIANTS/DODGERS game next wednesday! im gonna get there like two hours early so i can sit in the front, and you KNOW i will be heckling. however, im a positive heckler. i dont curse, and i try my best to be funny. baseball is a family sport. cant be screaming "fuck" around elementary school kids.
i got a call about my job today. i guess im going to work at a location i didnt apply at? weird. its not four blocks away like the other one, but its bike rideable. hopefully my ass will be in shape in no time.
after receiving the new lucero, i received the new minus the bear and oasis records. i havent really listened to anything but the new lucero because, well, its the new lucero. "the war" is the best song on the record.
i bought the life aquatic today. maybe ill check that out later.
my cousin came over for dinner tonight. inspite of having serious issues that come with growing up the son of a coke addict, cross dressing father and a pill addict mother, hes still managed to land himself miss all america 2005 as his gf. well see how long that lasts.
Oh jesus...the A's beat the Sox? Sheesh...

twice. i think they lost tonight too. and the giants lost. shot.