Yes Holden.. Your correct, an update is in order. biggrin
The trouble is I'm not really doing anything new and exciting worth updating about. I'm just working hard and trying to stay outta trouble.
I'm back at the Fire Dept that I like riding out of and that makes me happy. I was more out in the West end... Now I'm back in the Highlands. Thats sorta the Artsy more Bohemian part of town. A much more SG friendly area. Lots of cute girls w/ purple hair and ink around here.
I got a new Iphone 3Gs... thats way cool. Still trying to figure out all the buttons etc. The apps are cool, and if anybody has one I highly recommend the app "bump." It allows you to share your contact info(as much of as little as you chose to) with anyone else with the app wirelessly. Just open the app and bump phone. No more typing and clicking.... very nice.
I'm more discouraged than ever at the partisan politics going on in our nation... these tea baggers, birthers, and the health care reform ninnys makes me sad beyond belief. I had such high hopes that with the huge O'Bama win, the conservatives would get the message and retyrn to being "statesmen" and negotiate the middle ground in this 2 party system we have..... but sadly, NO; it's more partisan than ever..they're obviously just gonna try and NO vote everything and allow NOTHING to be accomplished, and see if they can pick up any seats in the next election cycle. Freakin' horrible. So sad.
Any way........... life pretty freakin OK. My familys healthy and happy. It's all good
The trouble is I'm not really doing anything new and exciting worth updating about. I'm just working hard and trying to stay outta trouble.
I'm back at the Fire Dept that I like riding out of and that makes me happy. I was more out in the West end... Now I'm back in the Highlands. Thats sorta the Artsy more Bohemian part of town. A much more SG friendly area. Lots of cute girls w/ purple hair and ink around here.
I got a new Iphone 3Gs... thats way cool. Still trying to figure out all the buttons etc. The apps are cool, and if anybody has one I highly recommend the app "bump." It allows you to share your contact info(as much of as little as you chose to) with anyone else with the app wirelessly. Just open the app and bump phone. No more typing and clicking.... very nice.
I'm more discouraged than ever at the partisan politics going on in our nation... these tea baggers, birthers, and the health care reform ninnys makes me sad beyond belief. I had such high hopes that with the huge O'Bama win, the conservatives would get the message and retyrn to being "statesmen" and negotiate the middle ground in this 2 party system we have..... but sadly, NO; it's more partisan than ever..they're obviously just gonna try and NO vote everything and allow NOTHING to be accomplished, and see if they can pick up any seats in the next election cycle. Freakin' horrible. So sad.
Any way........... life pretty freakin OK. My familys healthy and happy. It's all good