I am moving out of my spacious place in Tigard and into a larger 2 bedroom with my Special Someone. It is a big move for me in light of the fact that my divorce was final only a year ago almost to the day. Anyone wanna come help move furniture?
In other news, New Years was fucking keraazy. Had to drive after getting wasted from SW washington back to Tigard. Goood Times. 4am. No cops in sight; they must have all been booking their next load while I was making the trip. I've missed you all and hope you are well. Tell me how your New Years was!!!
In other news, New Years was fucking keraazy. Had to drive after getting wasted from SW washington back to Tigard. Goood Times. 4am. No cops in sight; they must have all been booking their next load while I was making the trip. I've missed you all and hope you are well. Tell me how your New Years was!!!

I hate moving.