I've been tagged by babybellicose. She made a point that I don't post often. There are reasons for that. None are good. Here goes.
20. I am obsessed with Thomas Pynchon right now
19. Some of my most rewarding social interactions are on the window at the post office where I work
18. World of Warcraft should be assigned a schedule by the FDA. Yep it's my crack.
17. In my mind there is always a song playing and that song varies.
16. I am 6'8" and 245 lb. No, I don't wrestle professionally. Thought about it......
15. I am astounded on a daily basis by the stupidity and meaninglessness of the situation that our government has placed us in.
14. That said, I actually liked Harriet Miers
13. I have four cats named after robbers, alcohol, and motorcycles
12. I haven't composed any writing, poetry or otherwise, in four months. And it kills me.
11. I miss being fancy-free with my time at the cost of sleep and health.
10. Clean and wanting to be is a daily chore.
9. I drive a subcompact and want a truck. It's like a tool and a car all in one......
8. I'm lovin' reggae more and more all the time.
7. Cigars and whiskey are the province of the sublime.
6. I damn well miss Clinton, but I'd almost vote for McCain
5. I feel that Ernest Hemingway died broken, but after the lives of ten men
4. I'm sick of working for other people's dreams and advancement, but I start toward mine at the beginning of the year.
3. I find inspiration quite by accident most of the time. In many cases, it's women. Sometimes, it's the events of a night. Most of the time it's both.
2. I prefer spare time over lots of money.
1. I miss posting here often......
p.s. bellicose....you're cuter than you realize.....
20. I am obsessed with Thomas Pynchon right now
19. Some of my most rewarding social interactions are on the window at the post office where I work
18. World of Warcraft should be assigned a schedule by the FDA. Yep it's my crack.
17. In my mind there is always a song playing and that song varies.
16. I am 6'8" and 245 lb. No, I don't wrestle professionally. Thought about it......
15. I am astounded on a daily basis by the stupidity and meaninglessness of the situation that our government has placed us in.
14. That said, I actually liked Harriet Miers
13. I have four cats named after robbers, alcohol, and motorcycles
12. I haven't composed any writing, poetry or otherwise, in four months. And it kills me.
11. I miss being fancy-free with my time at the cost of sleep and health.
10. Clean and wanting to be is a daily chore.
9. I drive a subcompact and want a truck. It's like a tool and a car all in one......
8. I'm lovin' reggae more and more all the time.
7. Cigars and whiskey are the province of the sublime.
6. I damn well miss Clinton, but I'd almost vote for McCain
5. I feel that Ernest Hemingway died broken, but after the lives of ten men
4. I'm sick of working for other people's dreams and advancement, but I start toward mine at the beginning of the year.
3. I find inspiration quite by accident most of the time. In many cases, it's women. Sometimes, it's the events of a night. Most of the time it's both.
2. I prefer spare time over lots of money.
1. I miss posting here often......
p.s. bellicose....you're cuter than you realize.....

You should write more often. It's good for your soul.
P.S. Aw, you make me blush.