So I figured I'd give all you kids a tasty update. Didn't want to leave a sour taste in yer mouths by not blabbin on my journal for awhile. I've been so damned boring lately that I haven't really had much of interest to jot down on these pages....let alone time to dwell on the couch in front of the TV to type this shite out. I will return to full active commando status sooner or later when I stop working these 60 hr weeks and jerking off like a spasmodic monkey on a PCP binge hanging from a ferris wheel (just picture it for a second) All work and no play makes Jack a dull, dull boy....ha! I have been managing to have some fun here and there. I got reaquainted w/my teenage friend Mr. 151 last weekend. He's a real nice guy...real swell fellar'. He never shoots ya straight, though...always has yer ass walking sideways. I've also managed to make it out to a few shows here and there....saw RedViolet's art show at High Five's a few weekends ago and retired to Orez's house w/KellyJanice and former member Ghosty for some....interesting times.
I never looked so good passed out on the couch. Speaking of art....I found out today my work got rejected yet again...this time by a NY gallery in SoHo....sos I got no reputation...big deal.....I'd like to make them feel guilty about rejecting me. day..... I will post pix tommorow of the art I submitted to be spat upon by people superior to myself.
Tonight I am going out to High Five, where all the goth people conglomerate, dressed in a nice white dress shirt and an Al-Capone style hat. Should be interesting. I can't look too bad standing next to some dude dressed in a grabage bag now can I?
So I went to High Five's last night and got intoxicated off of PBR talls and Goldschlager. I met some girl I had talked to on a few occasions and flirted for awhile. Then saw her later going home w/a dude wearing a CATS t-shirt. Maybe I reallu should just let that one go...
I never looked so good passed out on the couch. Speaking of art....I found out today my work got rejected yet again...this time by a NY gallery in SoHo....sos I got no reputation...big deal.....I'd like to make them feel guilty about rejecting me. day..... I will post pix tommorow of the art I submitted to be spat upon by people superior to myself.
Tonight I am going out to High Five, where all the goth people conglomerate, dressed in a nice white dress shirt and an Al-Capone style hat. Should be interesting. I can't look too bad standing next to some dude dressed in a grabage bag now can I?

So I went to High Five's last night and got intoxicated off of PBR talls and Goldschlager. I met some girl I had talked to on a few occasions and flirted for awhile. Then saw her later going home w/a dude wearing a CATS t-shirt. Maybe I reallu should just let that one go...

I wants me a barrel of flies, 2 balls of glue to be my friends! And i wants to go dancing NAKED!.... and a chair made of cheese and a table made of cheese and aaaa...

haha...a cats tshirt! that's so lame...