2011. Fuck you very much, 2011. You can take what I expected for this year and set it on fire and throw it off a cliff onto some railroad tracks, to be run over by one train after the next, only to be scraped up and put into a food processor and injected into a McDonald's sandwich to be consumed by some fat fucker down in Texas. With that being said, I am ready for 2012. Looking to pickup the pieces and try to get back on some sort of track. While what I have to say about this year mostly involves venom spewing from my mouth, there has been some good to come out of it, so far as art and music has been concerned. I have produced and engineered a couple of albums, made some much needed home improvements, and completed some incredibly detailed art projects. So, onward and upward, cause god knows I don't need to be chugging fifths of whiskey or absinthe as I have done on a few occasions already this year.
In the meantime, here are some links to another me:
In the meantime, here are some links to another me: