Well, everything seems split down the middle right now, I'm loving being a manager, even if it is a little strange, and I'm already starting to wonder what managers actually do all day?? On the plus side I'm getting to read lots on my shiny new kindle
But I sort of hate my store, and staff :/ its not exactly in a very great area, and the staff are quite clearly just trying to push me to see how little work they can get away with, and every time I'm not there its just ridiculous, which drags me down a lot.
But then things with my boy have been going good, much to my surprise! its been over a month now and he's super sweet and nice to me 24/7 and somehow over-appreciates things I do for him which to me are normal. If that makes sense? But its nice to be thanked for something, which to me is second nature, but I normally get taken advantage of.
And its manchester christmas markets!! yeyy! they are stealing all my money and making me fat and I still love them, the cheeky bastards! Though those vendors must be made of stronger stuff than me to stand in this weather all day long!
I also get to have my family's christmas dinner this sunday, because my sister is in the RAF she wont be home for christmas again this year, so we are doing an impromptu family get together at my dads so we can see her properly and she doesn't miss out on the big day and all her presents etc!
I'm feeling all chunky and unfit at the moment, partly because I'm eating stodgy food due to the weather, partly because I'm so bored at work I'm trying not to eat more there, and partly because on a freezing cold day last week I had to go collect my bicycle from out of town and ride it back, but I forgot I haven't been to the gym in six months, or ridden a bike in around six years!! Needless to say it took me a long long time and my asthma kicked back in, so I felt super rubbish and unfit. So now, I'm starting my pre-new years resolution of eating better (porridge for breakfast and then only dried fruit snacks till tea time!) and I'm trying to do what exercise I can at home, which is making me rather inventful in my apartment! haha
I hope your all wrapped up against the cold, or have lovely cheesy winter hats and scarves like me! I recently bought brilliant over ear headphones and found they work wonderfully as earmuffs too hehehe
Much loves all

But I sort of hate my store, and staff :/ its not exactly in a very great area, and the staff are quite clearly just trying to push me to see how little work they can get away with, and every time I'm not there its just ridiculous, which drags me down a lot.
But then things with my boy have been going good, much to my surprise! its been over a month now and he's super sweet and nice to me 24/7 and somehow over-appreciates things I do for him which to me are normal. If that makes sense? But its nice to be thanked for something, which to me is second nature, but I normally get taken advantage of.
And its manchester christmas markets!! yeyy! they are stealing all my money and making me fat and I still love them, the cheeky bastards! Though those vendors must be made of stronger stuff than me to stand in this weather all day long!
I also get to have my family's christmas dinner this sunday, because my sister is in the RAF she wont be home for christmas again this year, so we are doing an impromptu family get together at my dads so we can see her properly and she doesn't miss out on the big day and all her presents etc!
I'm feeling all chunky and unfit at the moment, partly because I'm eating stodgy food due to the weather, partly because I'm so bored at work I'm trying not to eat more there, and partly because on a freezing cold day last week I had to go collect my bicycle from out of town and ride it back, but I forgot I haven't been to the gym in six months, or ridden a bike in around six years!! Needless to say it took me a long long time and my asthma kicked back in, so I felt super rubbish and unfit. So now, I'm starting my pre-new years resolution of eating better (porridge for breakfast and then only dried fruit snacks till tea time!) and I'm trying to do what exercise I can at home, which is making me rather inventful in my apartment! haha
I hope your all wrapped up against the cold, or have lovely cheesy winter hats and scarves like me! I recently bought brilliant over ear headphones and found they work wonderfully as earmuffs too hehehe
Much loves all

Is your boy the same boy you had before, or is this a new one? x