Hey all!
Wow sorry for the inactivity!
I went to visit a friend
I have missed her so very much! So we went for cocktails, though Im not drinking so mine were mocktails hehe
It was so sunny! Ive missed the sunshine alot having worked so much this summer but it was nice to get out
And then we went to cadbury world Om nom nom nom, Id never been before!!
And I bought this for my squeeze <3
And then I had to come back home :/ even though Manchester was raining as always, it was still nice, I got that "coming home" feeling on my way back ^_^ plus I got to spend two whole days with my sexy boy
And I also went for a haircut and colour at the TIGI academy
So now Im all new and stuff
And Ive also had my final all clear from the fracture clinic and am wearing REAL SHOES again! It feels so good hehehe
Im still househunting, and working lots and lots this week, which is so unfair cause it means I dont get to see so much of my boy while he has a little time off :/ Plus a guy quit at the pub, so I have more shifts there too. Thinking of the money!!
I check in on here almost daily but am on my phone so cant really blog properly, but I do love reading all of your blogs/comments etc
You brighten my(often very dull and boring) day
Im getting better at this blogging/photo purge thing right? hehe
If anyone wants to stay in touch a little better Im here
As Im very rarely on fb anymore
Much much loves SGland, and kisses that your week has started as well as mine
Wow sorry for the inactivity!
I went to visit a friend
I have missed her so very much! So we went for cocktails, though Im not drinking so mine were mocktails hehe
It was so sunny! Ive missed the sunshine alot having worked so much this summer but it was nice to get out
And then we went to cadbury world Om nom nom nom, Id never been before!!
And I bought this for my squeeze <3
And then I had to come back home :/ even though Manchester was raining as always, it was still nice, I got that "coming home" feeling on my way back ^_^ plus I got to spend two whole days with my sexy boy
And I also went for a haircut and colour at the TIGI academy
So now Im all new and stuff
And Ive also had my final all clear from the fracture clinic and am wearing REAL SHOES again! It feels so good hehehe
Im still househunting, and working lots and lots this week, which is so unfair cause it means I dont get to see so much of my boy while he has a little time off :/ Plus a guy quit at the pub, so I have more shifts there too. Thinking of the money!!
I check in on here almost daily but am on my phone so cant really blog properly, but I do love reading all of your blogs/comments etc
You brighten my(often very dull and boring) day
Im getting better at this blogging/photo purge thing right? hehe
If anyone wants to stay in touch a little better Im here
As Im very rarely on fb anymore
Much much loves SGland, and kisses that your week has started as well as mine
Hurray for wearing shoes again! And I love your new hair colour
Glad to hear you're on the mend. Here's to wearing real shoes!