Well I'm sad to say I'm currently being a gigantic bore and feeling like crap.
I hate my job, and want to career change, but dont see how. My boss makes me feel like he's using me because I can do his job for him.
I have almost no friends in work, and actually none I trust. I'm miles away from either of my best friends, and months away from seeing either of them. Every time I make new friends here they just seem to use me when I'm useful, not when I need them. Now I've been bailed on for the second night in a row,by the same guy who I get on with real well,but seems the most unreliable person ever. My mom cant be bothered to visit me, and neither can my dad.
My skin resembles that of a 13 year old, despite a good skin routine and my new healthy smoothies.
In short, today, I look like crap, i feel like crap, and I'm off to comfort eat home made Chinese food, beer, and excessive volumes of prawn crackers, watching the end of series two of game of thrones, and desperately hope that there is more than two series.
Please feel free to bypass my rubbish projectile of self pity and ranting. I hope to be back to my normal self tomorrow.
I hope not a single one of you feels like I do
I hate my job, and want to career change, but dont see how. My boss makes me feel like he's using me because I can do his job for him.
I have almost no friends in work, and actually none I trust. I'm miles away from either of my best friends, and months away from seeing either of them. Every time I make new friends here they just seem to use me when I'm useful, not when I need them. Now I've been bailed on for the second night in a row,by the same guy who I get on with real well,but seems the most unreliable person ever. My mom cant be bothered to visit me, and neither can my dad.
My skin resembles that of a 13 year old, despite a good skin routine and my new healthy smoothies.
In short, today, I look like crap, i feel like crap, and I'm off to comfort eat home made Chinese food, beer, and excessive volumes of prawn crackers, watching the end of series two of game of thrones, and desperately hope that there is more than two series.
Please feel free to bypass my rubbish projectile of self pity and ranting. I hope to be back to my normal self tomorrow.
I hope not a single one of you feels like I do
They have already started shooting season three of Game of Thrones. So one piece of good news for you. As for career change. It isn't easy, four years later and I'm still getting educated for my new career