Wow, hi.
So I havent been able to log in properly all weekend due to running my two jobs and having roughly 8 hours sleep over three nights, but now Im awake and on my very occassional day off, and how much loves have you guys been showing??? thankyou so much!!
Ive got to the same number of comments in a week than I have in three months on my older sets, I guess this means Im getting better! Or maybe your all lowering your standards
So Im going to be going to the Manchester Tattoo convention in August, I just found out about it and am totally stoked! Ive got so much stuff booked in, my autumn is going to be ripped!
So check out the info, it looks prety sweet and itl be my first convention so come join me!
Manchester Tattoo Show
Ive been so busy working ive missed seeing my family for a few birthdays etc recently which Im super bummed about, but now Im getting myself slowly in order, I should be able to make up for it!
Ive decided I finally need to get myself a kindle, then maybe I can relieve my two collapsing bookshelves of some of their cargo! Im also looking at selling some of my old uni books, they are all in great condition and just sitting here so why not! If anyone wants any, there's going to be a ton of them, they are all Animal Behaviour, Physiology, Biology and Welfare type books, so let me know and il sort something!
Im about to go make oreo cupcakes to sell for charity tomorrow at work, il post pictures in my next blog, hopefully they will go down well and I wont have to eat them all myself, though they are super yummy hehe
Ive not been feeling awesome recently, Ive been putting it down to my tiredness, but I just feel really distant from people sometimes, and I have very few people I feel really close to that I get to see often, hopefully Im going to visit a really close friend one weekend in the next month or so, cause I always love seeing her, and Im looking forward to the plans I have later in the year, its all about the gigs!!
Looks like il definitely be seeing Nickelback, Lower than Atlantis, Bowling for Soup, Less than Jake and New found Glory, and Twin Atlantic. Less than Jake are still my number one band for gigs so far that Ive seen so Im super stoked to be part of their new tour.
Im also hoping to go see a friend in a month or two for a long week away with lots of booze and giggles, the only issue is its to go camping :/ I havent been camping since I was around 8 and I hated it!haha
We shall see I guess, with him times were always fun regardless!
So now off to bake my cookies and if anyone hasnt been to see my new set its here After Hours
Much loves!
So I havent been able to log in properly all weekend due to running my two jobs and having roughly 8 hours sleep over three nights, but now Im awake and on my very occassional day off, and how much loves have you guys been showing??? thankyou so much!!
Ive got to the same number of comments in a week than I have in three months on my older sets, I guess this means Im getting better! Or maybe your all lowering your standards

So Im going to be going to the Manchester Tattoo convention in August, I just found out about it and am totally stoked! Ive got so much stuff booked in, my autumn is going to be ripped!
So check out the info, it looks prety sweet and itl be my first convention so come join me!
Manchester Tattoo Show
Ive been so busy working ive missed seeing my family for a few birthdays etc recently which Im super bummed about, but now Im getting myself slowly in order, I should be able to make up for it!
Ive decided I finally need to get myself a kindle, then maybe I can relieve my two collapsing bookshelves of some of their cargo! Im also looking at selling some of my old uni books, they are all in great condition and just sitting here so why not! If anyone wants any, there's going to be a ton of them, they are all Animal Behaviour, Physiology, Biology and Welfare type books, so let me know and il sort something!
Im about to go make oreo cupcakes to sell for charity tomorrow at work, il post pictures in my next blog, hopefully they will go down well and I wont have to eat them all myself, though they are super yummy hehe
Ive not been feeling awesome recently, Ive been putting it down to my tiredness, but I just feel really distant from people sometimes, and I have very few people I feel really close to that I get to see often, hopefully Im going to visit a really close friend one weekend in the next month or so, cause I always love seeing her, and Im looking forward to the plans I have later in the year, its all about the gigs!!
Looks like il definitely be seeing Nickelback, Lower than Atlantis, Bowling for Soup, Less than Jake and New found Glory, and Twin Atlantic. Less than Jake are still my number one band for gigs so far that Ive seen so Im super stoked to be part of their new tour.
Im also hoping to go see a friend in a month or two for a long week away with lots of booze and giggles, the only issue is its to go camping :/ I havent been camping since I was around 8 and I hated it!haha
We shall see I guess, with him times were always fun regardless!
So now off to bake my cookies and if anyone hasnt been to see my new set its here After Hours
Much loves!
I dont know who i'm going to go with though non of my friends are really into tattoos etc in Manchester...