They are also sneak peaks at pics from my upcoming set, which was shot by bigiddy and was a wonderfully fun day with fische and wine too!
so I went to nosey at the set up for eurocultured in manchester.
heres the start of some awesome new graffiti, its just a shame its raining so much!! get your butt there if your anywhere nearby, and youll get to see me working myself silly later at Thirsty Scholar
Well I went to the wedding, she was beautiful, he was super sweet and I adored my little cousin, she looked stunning, and noone could believe she was only 14. This is the pair of us.
Unfortunately I also had to listen to how much all my family would prefer if I didnt have piercings, or tattoos, or had married a local boy and stayed in the villages, or if I didnt generally act like my own person in such a way as I do. So that was difficult, and kind of marred the day for me. But the bride telling me I was the bad cousin to one side while my younger cousin (from the picture) is the good one, certainly throws everything into stereotypical clarity. Given that most of my cousins are gorgeous, blonde, well spoken, petite and very mainstream, both the bride and my cousin are just what they all wanted them to be, as I am not.
But never mind!
I am back home now, It was a truly gorgeous ceremony, and I couldnt be happier for the newly weds. She had been bridesmaid something like 30 times before she was 30 and never thought she would get her chance, but here she is. It was also lovely how friends and family who are no longer with us were mentioned, as it was greatly appropriate and very relevant to both sides of the family, even though it meant there wasnt a dry eye in the room!
New set up on July 28th "After hours" and Im super excited to be part of this slightly before:
In the motherfucking 0161 (manchester you plebs) which is at the end of the month, on the 23rd, I cant wait to meet more SG peoples!!
hugs and kisses on this rainy day my loves
Hope you're well, lovely lady!
We're plotting now. Thinking maybe Cedar Point in Ohio. We're suckers for amusement parks.
Then, perhaps the Grand Canyon. Love hiking and climbing. Haven't ironed out the details yet. We may just say "fuck it" and fly by the seat of our pants.