I just got home from watching Derren Brown, on his new tour, he is amazing!! And I can vouch for his acts, they are real, scarily, mysteriously, enchantingly and convincingly brilliant. I am in awe.
Normally I'm a very methodical and logical person, I like to know how and why and where, I like math and biology where things can be explained in a clear and finite manner.
But magic?illusions?misdirection and suggestion? Give me it by the bucket load, shock and surprise me, then never tell me how you did it, because there is something very wondorous and childlike about being completely astounded and impressed by a man, who, when you talk to him, and read the things he writes, is quite clearly a lovely gentleman.
And I've decided boys suck.
I went for a casual drink alone (because apparently I'm strange and do things like that, but I figure its a good way to meet people) and the barman starts chatting to me and gives me his number.this was Friday night, so I text him after I leave...nothing.then Sunday I text "oh so what's the deal with giving a girl your number then not replying to her huh?" and he immediately apologises, explains he has been working lots, and invites me to join him help his friend get a rebound girl as he has had his heart broken. So i say yeah sure, il come for one, where you going......nothing. And i wasn't looking for a guy but he was a real good laugh when I chatted to him, gave me eyes all night while i was in the bar, he's really right up my street in loads of ways, and now he makes no sense at all. I give up.
And my car is bust so I'm looking for a new one asap, which means I'm getting up at six to go get a train to have my last check up with my orthodontist and surgeon from my jaw surgery, I'm going to be shattered.
And in the evening i may even go back to the boys bar and ignore him, or try and figure wtf is going on with him. Plus its a super funky bar my house mate needs to see, and I'm not missing out on such a cool place just cause of one guy and whatever his issue is! Lol
Much loves to anyone who has shown support for my two sets recently, and even more love if your about to
Normally I'm a very methodical and logical person, I like to know how and why and where, I like math and biology where things can be explained in a clear and finite manner.
But magic?illusions?misdirection and suggestion? Give me it by the bucket load, shock and surprise me, then never tell me how you did it, because there is something very wondorous and childlike about being completely astounded and impressed by a man, who, when you talk to him, and read the things he writes, is quite clearly a lovely gentleman.
And I've decided boys suck.
I went for a casual drink alone (because apparently I'm strange and do things like that, but I figure its a good way to meet people) and the barman starts chatting to me and gives me his number.this was Friday night, so I text him after I leave...nothing.then Sunday I text "oh so what's the deal with giving a girl your number then not replying to her huh?" and he immediately apologises, explains he has been working lots, and invites me to join him help his friend get a rebound girl as he has had his heart broken. So i say yeah sure, il come for one, where you going......nothing. And i wasn't looking for a guy but he was a real good laugh when I chatted to him, gave me eyes all night while i was in the bar, he's really right up my street in loads of ways, and now he makes no sense at all. I give up.
And my car is bust so I'm looking for a new one asap, which means I'm getting up at six to go get a train to have my last check up with my orthodontist and surgeon from my jaw surgery, I'm going to be shattered.
And in the evening i may even go back to the boys bar and ignore him, or try and figure wtf is going on with him. Plus its a super funky bar my house mate needs to see, and I'm not missing out on such a cool place just cause of one guy and whatever his issue is! Lol
Much loves to anyone who has shown support for my two sets recently, and even more love if your about to


You should be approved for the group pretty quick, Nea is pretty good at that type of thing
i dont no if i could ever handle another one man they are adorable though!!!!