Okay, So I was wondering how many SG's and hopefuls have a secret (or not so secret) love for reptiles?
I have a Royal Python called Severus, and used to have a bearded dragon called Darwin, they have both been the most amazing pets, and I've had quite a few!so I wondered what anyone else though?
Ultimate dreams of pets?
Unusual pets/pet names?
The first snake I ever held was a black californian kingsnake, and today I went to simply the BEST pet store in Manchester and fell in love with just about everything there, so my new mission is to work there
Also, reptile/snake/pet themed tattoos? Anyone have any?or any memorial ones?
Looking forward to some lovely replies!!
Okay, So I was wondering how many SG's and hopefuls have a secret (or not so secret) love for reptiles?
I have a Royal Python called Severus, and used to have a bearded dragon called Darwin, they have both been the most amazing pets, and I've had quite a few!so I wondered what anyone else though?
Ultimate dreams of pets?
Unusual pets/pet names?
The first snake I ever held was a black californian kingsnake, and today I went to simply the BEST pet store in Manchester and fell in love with just about everything there, so my new mission is to work there
Also, reptile/snake/pet themed tattoos? Anyone have any?or any memorial ones?
Looking forward to some lovely replies!!
Aww rainbow boas <3
I've finally gotten ahold of my first reptile, a male bearded dragon named Leonard Nimoy aka Spock. And the two tattoos that I have ar both of Lizards. I had a couple of garden snakes for a while, but when I realized that the weren't happy, I let them go, and wished them luck on their journey. I also love my fish tanks, my biggest tank has four Dinosaur Eels in it. They are so snakey cool looking. LOL