A fond farewell!
Hey guys I just want to let you know I'll be leaving the site this week, I have found suicide girls to be different from what I had thought, and though I have met some amazingly lovely people here, some gorgeous ladies and some lovely gents, I feel it's just not for me.
Thankyou so much for the support, comments and likes...
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Hey guys I just want to let you know I'll be leaving the site this week, I have found suicide girls to be different from what I had thought, and though I have met some amazingly lovely people here, some gorgeous ladies and some lovely gents, I feel it's just not for me.
Thankyou so much for the support, comments and likes...
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Thanks guys. I appreciate it! I'll stay sociable I promise! And yes Fische! You are too lovely for us not to catch up, the decision has been a few months in debating, but I'm honestly not as active as all you other hopefuls and suicide girls deserve!

Sad to see you go.
Take care tho!

Well, everything seems split down the middle right now, I'm loving being a manager, even if it is a little strange, and I'm already starting to wonder what managers actually do all day?? On the plus side I'm getting to read lots on my shiny new kindle
But I sort of hate my store, and staff :/ its not exactly in a very great area,...
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But I sort of hate my store, and staff :/ its not exactly in a very great area,...
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I can definitely empathise with staff trying to push you to see what they can get away with. Before I had Dexter, I managed a few different stores. In one shop, the staff purposefully rang in sick/messed up orders etc, just to test me because I was only 19. Assholes. It did teach me though; don't let it build up and don't leave notes for staff. Nip it in the bud and show who's boss!
Is your boy the same boy you had before, or is this a new one? x
Is your boy the same boy you had before, or is this a new one? x
Oh my goodness Ive missed you all so bad!!
Is that sad? Maybe a little? I dont care.
I finally have the internet! but thanks to my phone getting stolen I dont have quite as many pictures as I had hoped for you, but still, I have enough, given its been over a month since I last photo splurged on you all
Ready? Deep...
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Is that sad? Maybe a little? I dont care.
I finally have the internet! but thanks to my phone getting stolen I dont have quite as many pictures as I had hoped for you, but still, I have enough, given its been over a month since I last photo splurged on you all

Ready? Deep...
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Nice to see you back! Good work on the new boy. Sometimes a fair amount of trouble stops life from getting dull. Better than not having stories to tell! 

Oh no eww, you just photo splurged all over me 
It's been entirely too long since I last went to a gig, I can't even remember when it was, I fear I'm getting too old and grumpy, so I'm jealous about Less Than Jake, they're such a fun live band. And well done on the boy, here's hoping it goes well

It's been entirely too long since I last went to a gig, I can't even remember when it was, I fear I'm getting too old and grumpy, so I'm jealous about Less Than Jake, they're such a fun live band. And well done on the boy, here's hoping it goes well

So I still have no internet :'(
And I'm hating this phone, I'm so tempted to spend all my next wage on a new one, but I know I shouldn't.
the reason I could afford a new one if I chose is cause... I finally got my promotion XD
So chuffed! I'm now officially a manager
just to stick it to all those people who...
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And I'm hating this phone, I'm so tempted to spend all my next wage on a new one, but I know I shouldn't.
the reason I could afford a new one if I chose is cause... I finally got my promotion XD
So chuffed! I'm now officially a manager

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That is AWESOME!!! I am so glad that it is turning around for you! Nothing wrong with wordy blogs I prefer them at times, gives people substance. I hope that the boy has figured it out and returns some of your crush. If you need any advice apparently this is how romance works in the UK, I don't know but it seems pretty enlightened and was written by a member of the SG Staff.
Nichole Powers thoughts on "Dating"
I don't know if it's useful or not considering you can't/don't drink but maybe you'll find something useful.
Nichole Powers thoughts on "Dating"
I don't know if it's useful or not considering you can't/don't drink but maybe you'll find something useful.
hey hun congrats on the promotion
we shall deff have to catch up and get a coffee or drink sometime once Im feeling better and walking around a bit better, still in a lot of pain at the moment.

Oh my goodness my loves how long has it been? It feels an age since I got to talk to you all!
Massive apologies but I have had drama extraordinaire here!
In summary, in one weekend, I had to move house, so have no home internet connection sorted (which is taking a further three weeks apparently) I had my phone stolen from me in my...
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Massive apologies but I have had drama extraordinaire here!
In summary, in one weekend, I had to move house, so have no home internet connection sorted (which is taking a further three weeks apparently) I had my phone stolen from me in my...
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Sorry about the phone but it sounds like everything else has been going great for you. Happy halloween. 

Good to see you back. Can't wait for the halloween pics. I do hope that things get less drama filled soon. I do hope that you talk to the boy, if he is sweet and funny, chances are he's smart too. If he's a smart boy he'll be attracted to you too. Honestly you have to be pretty thick not to see the beauty in you, especially that smile.
Give him a few coy little smiles and he should figure it out.
Give him a few coy little smiles and he should figure it out.
Hello my sweets!!
Apologies for my last blog, I had a couple of days where I let my break up take over, and it really hurt to the point of overflowing into everything else. Now I'm not exactly okay, but I'm back in control of how I'm feeling and not quite so utterly consumed by it all.
I figure I have to go back to...
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Apologies for my last blog, I had a couple of days where I let my break up take over, and it really hurt to the point of overflowing into everything else. Now I'm not exactly okay, but I'm back in control of how I'm feeling and not quite so utterly consumed by it all.
I figure I have to go back to...
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Nice to see you're busying yourself with some awesome activities after your recent distress. I actually thought the Wildhearts broke up, but it looks like Ginger has given himself a band name all of his own! I recommend a chilled Christmas, anyway! 

I think it was about ten years ago that I saw The Wildhearts. They were what I expect a band to be like on stage: full of energy, non-stop and knowledge of their instruments back to front. Ah, the memories...
Well it was obviously to good to last.
My bf dumped me today.
Basically because we have opposite work schedules and we don't see each other enough. While in my opinion I say this makes the value the time we do get together much more, to him it bothers him and he feels guilty for seeing friends etc when he cant see me as much...
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My bf dumped me today.
Basically because we have opposite work schedules and we don't see each other enough. While in my opinion I say this makes the value the time we do get together much more, to him it bothers him and he feels guilty for seeing friends etc when he cant see me as much...
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That sucks!
Hope you get to find your Booga
Hope you get to find your Booga

I need a new big wolly winter hat.
Awesome work on the tattoo. As far as pajamas go, I just pile on more blankets, try that, works for me.
Checking in SGland!
Sorry I haven't been around. There's some serious overdue love your going to see on your sets over the weekend while I take a minute to catch up because I know I'm missing out!
I've been working a minimum of 45 hours at my day job then four nights in my bar job so I'm pretty shattered!
Though today I got to...
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Sorry I haven't been around. There's some serious overdue love your going to see on your sets over the weekend while I take a minute to catch up because I know I'm missing out!
I've been working a minimum of 45 hours at my day job then four nights in my bar job so I'm pretty shattered!
Though today I got to...
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Hurray for wearing shoes again! And I love your new hair colour
Glad to hear you're on the mend. Here's to wearing real shoes!