hrm. so, i'm officially a grad student. i had my first class last night- life style and career development. it's a bit overwhelming b/c it's new to me, but i'm sure i'll adjust.
i also started my new "big person" job today. i'm running 3 resource study halls for struggling students, so i tutor them, help them study, teach them school skills, etc. it was...weird! it was my first day of being a true "grown up". i got up in front of these classes, and i was the sole authority figure. no one looking over my shoulder in case i screwed up. just me and the girls. being an expert with something valuable to say, knowledge to impart these girls with. people look highly enough of me to entrust me with the education of others. it's definitely an interesting, and scary, feeling. but i'm sure i'll get used to it in a week or so. *shrug* all part of growing up.
for some reason, the scent of cigarettes and vicks vaporub are making their way through my open window...strange.
i bet there's something interesting for me to talk about, but i just can't think of it. sorry!
take care everybody!
i also started my new "big person" job today. i'm running 3 resource study halls for struggling students, so i tutor them, help them study, teach them school skills, etc. it was...weird! it was my first day of being a true "grown up". i got up in front of these classes, and i was the sole authority figure. no one looking over my shoulder in case i screwed up. just me and the girls. being an expert with something valuable to say, knowledge to impart these girls with. people look highly enough of me to entrust me with the education of others. it's definitely an interesting, and scary, feeling. but i'm sure i'll get used to it in a week or so. *shrug* all part of growing up.
for some reason, the scent of cigarettes and vicks vaporub are making their way through my open window...strange.
i bet there's something interesting for me to talk about, but i just can't think of it. sorry!
take care everybody!

If you don't already RxBandits are pretty hot and repetitive unless you like the same rhythm section for an hour straight.
The vicks guy was me. I was a little congested. You already know where the cigs came from. I figure that if I keep exposing you to it with out me around it will get you subliminaly attracted to me whenever we do meet...
Oh... and I dunno what the pink face means. I wrote those lyrics myself I think I might use them in a song???
What do you think?