i'm having the greatest week. first, i got the tutoring job i applied for on campus. that means that i'll actually be making money for the first time in months. then, i managed to stretch my left ear after 2 yrs of it being stubborn and not catching up to the right ear. and the best thing that happened is i got a job offer. a real, grown-up job offer! with a salary! it's a dream job...it's at my old high school (where i have my internship now), and it's part-time so i can still go to grad school next year. now if only my research would conduct itself and wrap itself up in a nice thesis paper...


congratulations darling! 

at least someones having a nice week, ah well. best of wishes to ya on your thesis paper. i dont know how having a job at your old high school is a dream job, but i live in the ghetto... if i went to work at my old high school, id have to put in for my CCW permit