man, i need to try and update more often. work's killing the time i get home im ready to pass out. those kids really wear me out.
i saw incubus wed. and they put on a decent show. last year's was a lot better. this was the first show in a while where there weren't screaming idiots right next to me.
im psyched b/c warped tour is this weekend. i shouldnt get my hopes up though, b/c my friend might not be able to go and it wouldnt be much fun to go solo. we'll see what happens.
so it turns out that my junior counselor at camp cuts. i feel like i should talk to her about it, especially b/c she's so young. she's only 13, and i remember when i was 13 and i started to cut, and i wish someone would've cared enough to talk to me about it. i'm scared to say the wrong thing to her, and i'm afraid of her turning me into a therapist. i hate people depending on me like that. stupid cutting. sweeping the country like an epidemic.
i saw incubus wed. and they put on a decent show. last year's was a lot better. this was the first show in a while where there weren't screaming idiots right next to me.
im psyched b/c warped tour is this weekend. i shouldnt get my hopes up though, b/c my friend might not be able to go and it wouldnt be much fun to go solo. we'll see what happens.
so it turns out that my junior counselor at camp cuts. i feel like i should talk to her about it, especially b/c she's so young. she's only 13, and i remember when i was 13 and i started to cut, and i wish someone would've cared enough to talk to me about it. i'm scared to say the wrong thing to her, and i'm afraid of her turning me into a therapist. i hate people depending on me like that. stupid cutting. sweeping the country like an epidemic.
Happy birthday stranger