so sunday i was talking outside to my dad, and this kitty comes out of the bushes. it was meowing up a storm and just rubbin up on us. we live in an apartment, and our neighbor opened the door to talk to us. the cat jetted for the door, and then wouldnt move from in front of the door! you could tell it wasn't...
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Maybe it got found? frown
well, school is back in full swing, which means i hardly have any time to spend around here.

my internship is great, although a little slow sometimes. it's frustrating being where i want to eventually work, but not have the authority to institute change like i want to. i am planning to challenge the school's policy about prom- it's described as a "traditional date dance",...
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hey there - yea, i was totally glad to see you responded! it was like a comment surprise smile

i'm a big fan of the south side too .... it's a bit far from some of the stuff i like to do up north sometimes - especially since i don't have a car - but i really dig it down here. hyde park - where i hang my hat - is a really swank place.

re: what you're reading for your feminism class - it sounds really interesting. nature vs. nurture is always a fun - if bit overdone - debate. butler is really interesting - flawed - but totally mind blowing. but she is SO dense. that is actually something that really bugs me about academic writing at times: the pieces are put together so badly at times. it frustrates me - it's the kind of thing i SO try to avoid in my own work.
ok ok no more of this "woman" thing.... you and I are probably the only people on the site from the southside of Chicago. ...enjoy yerself!...

its crazy...there's this priest from my old parish, and he wed my mom and her new husband. then we heard that he was caught w/ a prostitute, which lead to the revelation that he was an alcoholic and recently went back to the bottle. now, it turns out that he stole 1.1 million dollars from my church! i'm so glad i'm not religious anymore...

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Whoa. That's intense, babe. surreal
wow! everytime i come online, i think "nothing's happening, so i'm not going to update". then i looked today and realized that i haven't updated in 3 weeks! i guess my life is just that boring.

my mom got a puppy friday. it's a wheaton terrier, and it's adorable! my mom couldn't decide on a name, so we all decided on my idea- bailey. bailey...
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so my friends little cousin billy moved from the north side of chicago to the south side. on his first day of school last week, the teacher was trying to break the ice with the kids, so mrs. grabowski asked the kids to raise their hands if they were white sox fans. every kid in the class room raised their hand except for billy.

mrs. grabowski noticed this and asked what billy's favorite team was. billy responded that he was a cubs fan. when asked why by the teacher, billy said, "well, my mom is a cubs fan, and my dad is a cubs fan."

when she heard this, mrs. grabowski said, "what if your mother was a prostitute and your father was a crack dealer?"

billy shot back immediately, "then i guess i'd be a white sox fan."

needless to say, billy isn't the most popular kid in his class.


im just teasing, after all, my team is the one that will still be playing in october. i shouldn't be rubbing it in. wink

that blt sounds fantastic. im going to have to try one myself. although i don't know about eating a whole pound of bacon in one sitting. i want to live to see my thirties.

editted for dumbass grammatical mistakes

[Edited on Sep 01, 2004 4:05PM]
Lady_KT just got those shoes too. Not sure if they're highs or lows though. I personally really want the grey and pinky ones. One of these days...
not much happening lately...

i finally decided that saturday was the day i would finally get my inner labia pierced, so i head up to belmont w/ my bf, shop a bit, and say hi to my friend that works up there before i go to get pierced. i tell her my plans, and she tells me that my piercer changed shops! we could've jumped...
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Sounds like the mirror image of my set up! Thats truly interesting. Aren't we just evil?

BTW I just suggested an event...we'll see how it is received. biggrin

Check out Bachelorette/ Bachelor party in SGChicago

Besides that we plan on having another beach gathering soon...and there is the Morrissey concert. That might end up being a gathering.

I hope I get to meet you one of these times. smile
Hey...long time no update. Come out, come out...
i just finished typing an entry, and accidentally erased everything i had typed.....so here's a short version...

i ended up goin to warped tour w/ my little brother. it was his first concert (he's 15) so it was a nice bonding experience besides being a real fun time.

this is my last week of camp. i'm going to miss my girls a lot. i just...
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Ha ha ..yes the pain is over, thank goodness. Well mostly...

Its funny cuz I was craving pickles the whole time before I finally went nutzo! j/k

Welcome to 21...to the inner world of adults..and beyond...

*opens the green velvet curtains*

Welcome to grown-up-ness.

That kept happening to me in the beginning (the writing an awesome epic journal entry and then having it be zapped by cyberspace). So I got pretentious and started typing them into my word processor.

Where is camp? Where is school?
man, i need to try and update more often. work's killing me...by the time i get home im ready to pass out. those kids really wear me out.

i saw incubus wed. and they put on a decent show. last year's was a lot better. this was the first show in a while where there weren't screaming idiots right next to me.

im psyched b/c...
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Happy birthday stranger skull
finally out for the summer...took last week off from the world and just ignored almost everything so i could relax.

i have orientation for work thursday, and work starts monday. i'm going to be a camp counselor for the chicago park district- i get payed to run around outside all day with a bunch of kids. that should help take my mind off things and...
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Haha, I know what you mean about the crazy girls. I'm hoping this girl is only a little bit crazy though.

Good luck with the new job. smile

its nice being 21. but damn, i look back to when i turned 21, and it was three years ago. time flies
hi all. sorry so quiet lately, but i've been managing a sinus infection/killer allergies. it's just that time of they year again. thanks for all of the welcomes! i hope to be more active (joining groups, etc.) once school ends- 2 more weeks! speaking of school, i need to go work on a presentation. i can't seem to stop procrastinating...
hope all turned out well for ya....
bests to you
WHITE SOX!!! Sorry, I saw that and could resist.

[Edited on Jun 22, 2004 12:01AM]
so, this is my first entry. i'm very excited to finally have joined suicide girls...all those times that i would come to the site and look at the thumbnails of photos wishing i had money are over! well, just thought i'd break in the new journal. back to researching prosex feminism, S/M, and/or pornography (if anyone knows of any good resources on the topics, feel...
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But you probably already knew this.

[Edited on May 15, 2004 1:46PM]