Hello everybody, i'm home!!!
It sucks! It's -11 C right now!! FUCK!!!
But, i had a great time in Australia.....my girlfriends band was playing The Big Day Out main stage (for those of you who don't know it's Australia's equivalent to Lollapolooza, but back when it was cool)......it was fucking rad! Metallica was headlining.....the strokes played (i'll tell ya' more about those pricks later....and their groupie Drew Barrymore), The Mars Volta, Peaches, THE DARKNESS (who were sooooooo amazing!!!), The Flaming Lips, amongst many more amazing bands. It was so much fun......watching wicked bands in 30+C weather, with all the free drinks and food we could get (i was technically a "crew" member, so i raided my girls rider, hehe.)....WOW! i can't explain it in words...i have lots of photos, so i'll post 'em soon, but i'm fucking beat! i just got home, it's 10:30, so i've been travelling to get home for about 30 hours now....but i couldn't wait to give everyone an update! anyway, take care to all....i'll have photos soon. see ya!


The Mars Volta & Peaches & The flaming lips!!!...I'm soooooo jealous...glad you had fun though...and glad you're back safe

Ha, Skulker! I loved those guys when I was in high school. I have their first CD 'Too Fat for Tahiti'!