Well, not too thrilled with the new SG setup. The lag time is making me grind my teeth! lol Looks cool, loading times suck. My official review. ha ha ha
I've been cut off from Oblivion temporarily. The computer we play it on had a bit of a nervous breakdown. The hard drive the OS is on is going belly up. Dammit, half the shit I amuse myself with is on that computer.
Could be a couple days until He gets it up and running again. He's cursing Bill Gates at the moment. While he was figuring out which drive was grinding (not a sound you ever want to hear your computer make) Windows decided to try and reload itself. Now he can't get into windows. Bill Gates IS the Dark Side.
More work tonight, but work with muscle relaxers, so this should be trippy!
I can wait tables while high, really!
Dammit, I really wish the other computer was working. I wanna play. :::sob::: I'm such a geek.
I've been cut off from Oblivion temporarily. The computer we play it on had a bit of a nervous breakdown. The hard drive the OS is on is going belly up. Dammit, half the shit I amuse myself with is on that computer.

More work tonight, but work with muscle relaxers, so this should be trippy!

Dammit, I really wish the other computer was working. I wanna play. :::sob::: I'm such a geek.
(ducking as you try to hit me)
hope your back in oblivion soon.