Hello again! I"m still here.
Been playing Oblivion, working, yech. Let me tell you, a pizza shop is not the ideal place to work in a place where the temp starts to hit 80 in april! I'm gonna melt.
Mom's doing okay,. Her surgery date isn't for a couple weeks. She's uncomfortable. Putting abrave face on, but swhe's a nurse at the hospital shes going to have the surgery at. The Doctors know if they screw up, she'll get them.
My brand new nephew is wonderful, though having an early acne problem. He kinda looks like a strawberry right now!
What else? Finished my FAQ/Guide thingy for Oblivion, on the Daedric Shrines. It's up on three sites now I think YAY! Next month 'Official XBOX magazine" is going to publish excerpts from my faq! Woot!
Oh the irony. I'm finally going to be published and it's NOT going to be for my novel and I'm NOT going to be paid! ROTFLMAO
That's all. Toodles for now!
Been playing Oblivion, working, yech. Let me tell you, a pizza shop is not the ideal place to work in a place where the temp starts to hit 80 in april! I'm gonna melt.
Mom's doing okay,. Her surgery date isn't for a couple weeks. She's uncomfortable. Putting abrave face on, but swhe's a nurse at the hospital shes going to have the surgery at. The Doctors know if they screw up, she'll get them.

My brand new nephew is wonderful, though having an early acne problem. He kinda looks like a strawberry right now!

What else? Finished my FAQ/Guide thingy for Oblivion, on the Daedric Shrines. It's up on three sites now I think YAY! Next month 'Official XBOX magazine" is going to publish excerpts from my faq! Woot!
Oh the irony. I'm finally going to be published and it's NOT going to be for my novel and I'm NOT going to be paid! ROTFLMAO
That's all. Toodles for now!
Not much into computer games myself, I have spent a lot of time servicing computers, so never felt the need to totally immerse myself in random slayage with one.
My newest nephew's photo is on my profile. His parents are hyper possessive, no one is allowed to hold!
I spent this morning with my other nephew, Connor, he is almost 2, and much more fun to play with. He and I spent 1/2 an hour playing with a large cardboard box (I think his father wanted to have an adult level conversation but who wants that?)