I know, I know, I should update more often and shouldn't let my gaming obsession run my life. HA!
I am actually doing something constructive while I'm obsessing. I'm working on a FAQ for Oblivion. Almost done. YAY! My fingers are starting to tingle from all the typing! Wish I could get this much written on my novel.
It's keeping my mind off stressful shit. The dentist found a lump in my Mom's throat. Don't know what it is yet. She has to go in for biopsies to find out. She's dragging her feet. What my mother's best at. If it were me, I'd wanna know NOW dammit! But, she's just not in a healthy place these days. Couple weeks ago, her bosses at the hospital (She's an RN) told her she had to start getting psychological help. Mom's akways been a little unstable, guess it started filtering into her work. So, she's feeling like the world is down on her.
She's a frustrating woman my mom. She wont talk to me right now, cause I told her they were right. Yup, in retrospect, not the best thing to say, even if it's true. Dealing with the truth has never been one of her strengths. We're not close, can you tell?
Ah well, back to my obsession and my FAQ.

I am actually doing something constructive while I'm obsessing. I'm working on a FAQ for Oblivion. Almost done. YAY! My fingers are starting to tingle from all the typing! Wish I could get this much written on my novel.

It's keeping my mind off stressful shit. The dentist found a lump in my Mom's throat. Don't know what it is yet. She has to go in for biopsies to find out. She's dragging her feet. What my mother's best at. If it were me, I'd wanna know NOW dammit! But, she's just not in a healthy place these days. Couple weeks ago, her bosses at the hospital (She's an RN) told her she had to start getting psychological help. Mom's akways been a little unstable, guess it started filtering into her work. So, she's feeling like the world is down on her.
She's a frustrating woman my mom. She wont talk to me right now, cause I told her they were right. Yup, in retrospect, not the best thing to say, even if it's true. Dealing with the truth has never been one of her strengths. We're not close, can you tell?

Ah well, back to my obsession and my FAQ.

Best wishes with your mother.