Unh, worked until almost eleven thirty tonight. I busted my ass. Did get some decent tips though, but if I never see another dish as long as I live it will be to soon!!
Is a dishwasher too much to ask for??
Seriously, waitresses in big resteraunts have it easy. I do the job of four people. Waiting tables, cooking the food, bussing tables, doing the dishes and the prep may sound like it keeps you busy but it's a LOT of work on a busy night.
Okay, there I go ranting again. But riddle me this, why do people bring their evil, sugar high kids into a resteraunt, expect the waitress to not only serve them but baby-sit their kids, and then get mad when you :::gasp:::leave the parenting of their kids to the PARENTS! Grrrrr. I really hate those people, and they're lousy tippers.
Okay, NOW I'm done ranting.
Heh heh heh, more Brit-Com humor, my favorite.
" I'm so gorgeous, there's a six month waiting list for birds to suddenly appear, every time I am near! "
" Time is a great healer. Unless it's a rash, then you're better off with ointment. "
"Well, we know what to get you for Christmas. A double labotomy and six rolls of rubber wallpaper. "
"Oh no, Mr. Flibble, we couldn't do that. Who'd clean up the mess?"
"Oh, spin my nipple nuts and send me to Alaska! "

Is a dishwasher too much to ask for??

Okay, there I go ranting again. But riddle me this, why do people bring their evil, sugar high kids into a resteraunt, expect the waitress to not only serve them but baby-sit their kids, and then get mad when you :::gasp:::leave the parenting of their kids to the PARENTS! Grrrrr. I really hate those people, and they're lousy tippers.
Okay, NOW I'm done ranting.

Heh heh heh, more Brit-Com humor, my favorite.
" I'm so gorgeous, there's a six month waiting list for birds to suddenly appear, every time I am near! "
" Time is a great healer. Unless it's a rash, then you're better off with ointment. "
"Well, we know what to get you for Christmas. A double labotomy and six rolls of rubber wallpaper. "
"Oh no, Mr. Flibble, we couldn't do that. Who'd clean up the mess?"
"Oh, spin my nipple nuts and send me to Alaska! "

Nipple Nuts are there

Hello, saw you in grumpyoldbastard comments page. Checked you out, and just have to ask: Tom or Colin (Baker, that is)?