The evil contractor is callin to give me more jobs! I already have 2 weeks worth startin tuesday. I'll call back no burnin bridges.
I lied in my last journal, cause i just spent an hour makin berserk friends request. Then I looked back and siad that is not what you wanna do. I kind of am tryin to develope a converational friends group here, i need to get out more.
Hey everyone I put a request to it is cause I wanna talk and hang out e-style. I just usually book mark people as interesting and see if there is good stuff. I dunno how to put it kind of pathetic tho. Gotta decifer what that was all about.
Phone is back on I promise more interesting stuff soon
I mean stuff that is nore interesting, it's inherent interest level will be low, but better than this incoherant drivel.
yeah i do share feelings when I kan find them crap
I lied in my last journal, cause i just spent an hour makin berserk friends request. Then I looked back and siad that is not what you wanna do. I kind of am tryin to develope a converational friends group here, i need to get out more.
Hey everyone I put a request to it is cause I wanna talk and hang out e-style. I just usually book mark people as interesting and see if there is good stuff. I dunno how to put it kind of pathetic tho. Gotta decifer what that was all about.
Phone is back on I promise more interesting stuff soon
I mean stuff that is nore interesting, it's inherent interest level will be low, but better than this incoherant drivel.
yeah i do share feelings when I kan find them crap

I lived in Toledo when I was a kid. 1972 and part of 73. I've been trying to contact some people on here as well. Mostly because I'm a reclusive artist AND because it's a lot safer dealing with girls like these through a computer screen then in person.
Anyway, best wishes to you and all your drunken endeavors. I've been planning to drink some more this year.
P.S. Fight Club fucking rocks, doesn't it.