LOVE is a strange thing.
I dont take lessons in love from adults.
I have a lot of pets and am often required to take care mikey, tyler or Miss olivia.
The pets and kids are not afraid to speak their feelings, (yeah i talk cat, dog, horse and kid) but adults suck.
ihave a very good friend, he needs a ride on friday to get his car fixed. This turned into a 20 min conversation, I did not talk (after I said yea no prob), but it was like he had to convince me any way. This guy is my bro (old school) and even now he don't knoe I love him and support him even when I agree. WHAT ARE PEOPLE HEARING>
My wife is even the same way, it's like she dosen't hear me. Easy things become difficult. What the fuck.
This is where I get to the kids and animals.
The animals are true, I understand them , right now I have a cat on my head, one in my lap both purring and a rott standing (front feet )on my right leg, while I'm typing. All are happy and filled with love( I should get a web cam this must look silly) The damb kids love me. I am the disciplinarian, their parents are not to be found (often). I think thats crap.
But I do what I can on short notice.
Mikey and tyler are nasty offspring of hell, they are bad kids. They hit g-ma, GG-ma and my wife, I do not tolerate this.
So I use mollywoppin to straighten them out, after the first 2-3 mollywops they understand. Now after all that I cant get rid of them. They weed the gardin, rake, shovel snow etc. and it's their Idea. they always wanna see their uncle, I think I'm the only person to talk straight to them, and they love me.
I think adults are afraid, yeah you an me scared.
Thats why i do the feeling blog, no more story.
Now I operate on the no one can hurt me, I just didn't get what I want paradigme(sp).
Thats where I assume this is a perfect world and the problems I preceive(sp) fall into the catagory of, I DIDN"T GET WHAT I WANT.
Merry Thingmass
I dont take lessons in love from adults.
I have a lot of pets and am often required to take care mikey, tyler or Miss olivia.
The pets and kids are not afraid to speak their feelings, (yeah i talk cat, dog, horse and kid) but adults suck.
ihave a very good friend, he needs a ride on friday to get his car fixed. This turned into a 20 min conversation, I did not talk (after I said yea no prob), but it was like he had to convince me any way. This guy is my bro (old school) and even now he don't knoe I love him and support him even when I agree. WHAT ARE PEOPLE HEARING>
My wife is even the same way, it's like she dosen't hear me. Easy things become difficult. What the fuck.
This is where I get to the kids and animals.
The animals are true, I understand them , right now I have a cat on my head, one in my lap both purring and a rott standing (front feet )on my right leg, while I'm typing. All are happy and filled with love( I should get a web cam this must look silly) The damb kids love me. I am the disciplinarian, their parents are not to be found (often). I think thats crap.
But I do what I can on short notice.
Mikey and tyler are nasty offspring of hell, they are bad kids. They hit g-ma, GG-ma and my wife, I do not tolerate this.
So I use mollywoppin to straighten them out, after the first 2-3 mollywops they understand. Now after all that I cant get rid of them. They weed the gardin, rake, shovel snow etc. and it's their Idea. they always wanna see their uncle, I think I'm the only person to talk straight to them, and they love me.
I think adults are afraid, yeah you an me scared.
Thats why i do the feeling blog, no more story.
Now I operate on the no one can hurt me, I just didn't get what I want paradigme(sp).
Thats where I assume this is a perfect world and the problems I preceive(sp) fall into the catagory of, I DIDN"T GET WHAT I WANT.
Merry Thingmass

I really need to do that feeling blog thing.