I'm just gonna add edits to this for a while keep lookin
OK folks CHICKS should be in charge
All men were WOmen first.
Check it out.
The Y chromosone cuts in and you got guys.
B4 that lookit the scar on the scrotum, yeah virginny.
the ovaries drop into the outer labia (balls) the womb thingy turns into the prostate.
and the clit is the penis, that should answere alot o' ?
So all Women were first and should be in charge.
is there a doctor in the house (what's up DOC)
that can verify my theory?
That seam on the balls looks like a scar to me
there are no smileys for this.
especially women folks let me know what U think.
is all good y'all won't hurt my feelings
I am so filled with love it is not right
in this world it often just hurts
I'll no longer let that happen
I love my wife, I hope to have kids ,I wanna have an economy again.
I wanna rock out, let me know if you'll play
deep feelings
OK folks CHICKS should be in charge
All men were WOmen first.
Check it out.
The Y chromosone cuts in and you got guys.
B4 that lookit the scar on the scrotum, yeah virginny.
the ovaries drop into the outer labia (balls) the womb thingy turns into the prostate.
and the clit is the penis, that should answere alot o' ?
So all Women were first and should be in charge.
is there a doctor in the house (what's up DOC)
that can verify my theory?
That seam on the balls looks like a scar to me
there are no smileys for this.
especially women folks let me know what U think.
is all good y'all won't hurt my feelings

I am so filled with love it is not right
in this world it often just hurts
I'll no longer let that happen
I love my wife, I hope to have kids ,I wanna have an economy again.
I wanna rock out, let me know if you'll play
deep feelings

Hell yeah!

Thanks for the b-day wishes.