Just applied for heat aid, I think we made $1500 too much.
Here in Toledo there is a big worry about the upcoming heating bills, and it is worring me a-lot.
Next few weeks and I'm gonna block off some windows, plastic others and add insulation, we will be keeping the temp at 60 degrees f.
That sucks cause my wife is always cold.
Bushie needs to stop the war on porn and start the war on COLD.
Some of my neighbors are just not gonna make it, and I'm not sure I will.
Right now we are still payin off last years heat bill, thats a bad siggn.
I hate to complain but damb it thats a sign o' sumthin goin WRONG across the board. How can we pump the economy if we can't afford basic needs? Someone needs to put the green genie back in the bottle.

Here in Toledo there is a big worry about the upcoming heating bills, and it is worring me a-lot.

Next few weeks and I'm gonna block off some windows, plastic others and add insulation, we will be keeping the temp at 60 degrees f.
That sucks cause my wife is always cold.
Bushie needs to stop the war on porn and start the war on COLD.
Some of my neighbors are just not gonna make it, and I'm not sure I will.
Right now we are still payin off last years heat bill, thats a bad siggn.
I hate to complain but damb it thats a sign o' sumthin goin WRONG across the board. How can we pump the economy if we can't afford basic needs? Someone needs to put the green genie back in the bottle.
Oh man....I hope all that works out. When I was a kid, we always had plastic on the windows...and it was so cold. I hated taking my morning bath cause my teeth would chatter for forever afterwards.