Graduation is this Saturday, and I wont be there and it makes me mad. I have to accept it, sometimes we fall but we have to get up, it the natural course of things. Sometimes getting up is so hard!
I will graduate, maybe not this year with my best friend but next year with new people. I am taking a class this semester, Video... Read More
Hey hunny!!! Thank you so much for the lovely comment on my set!
Your support means a lot to me!
Why won't you be in your graduation?
Much Love!
p.s.: I love your glasses!
Yo jams saco la cmara de noche me da cuco, incluso me da no se que andarla trayendo en el bolso, me persigo sola
aunque en general no le temo a nada, no se si es de ingenua o es que el resto es paranoico.
My semester final grade is not final yet. But as it is I did not pass. It made me really sad, I cried and all. I don't really care anymore. I want to graduate but I want to be happy too and if the two don't go together well, Ill have to make them go together somehow. I DON'T HAVE THE ENERGY RIGHT NOW!
termine todo con l, y duele resto, aunque ya me siento un poco mejor es dificil odio la soledad y eso es lo que me mata cada dia...
debo encontar un empleo prnoto para distraerme un poco
Finished the semester, finished my thesis project, done with school. Feel so good, like a weight has been taken from my shoulders. Like I was stuck and now I'm out. Free to do what I want... but I have to wait to February to graduate. Major in Multimedia Animation and I got a Minor in Illustration!!! I'm soooo happy!!!
When I was in High School they made us read "The Catcher in the Rye" and I didn't understand it very much, I was really innocent and I didn't understand it, I didn't feel connected to the book at all, but I re-read it this past week and I got it, now I really got it and it depressed me.
Since I finished school, I... Read More
Oh no sorry to hear about the broken lens, I've had two of those kit lenses, both used under 6 months each though before I sold them, so that's probably why I never experienced any breakage.
I have been pouring all of my energy in taking pics...its not easy...
My boy got me a remote so I can practice taking pics of myself hahaha
I am starting school this semester, just have to finish my thesis and I graduate, finally, been too long...
I start yoga classes too, with my sister, that is gonna be awesome