Finished the semester, finished my thesis project, done with school. Feel so good, like a weight has been taken from my shoulders. Like I was stuck and now I'm out. Free to do what I want... but I have to wait to February to graduate. Major in Multimedia Animation and I got a Minor in Illustration!!! I'm soooo happy!!!
I had the flu and I was coughing a lot, I'm still getting better. Now my boy is as sick as I was two weeks ago... Ooops!!!

Preparing for fun new projects! I'm planning a video shoot for an awesome band that I'm going to co-direct. I'm planning to do some t shirts for another band. I'm planning an SG shoot with this photographer who is a really awesome guy OidoDesnudo. I have lots of things to do!!!
I had the flu and I was coughing a lot, I'm still getting better. Now my boy is as sick as I was two weeks ago... Ooops!!!

Preparing for fun new projects! I'm planning a video shoot for an awesome band that I'm going to co-direct. I'm planning to do some t shirts for another band. I'm planning an SG shoot with this photographer who is a really awesome guy OidoDesnudo. I have lots of things to do!!!

Es genial estar de vacaciones, es lo mximo, ajajaja.
Besos bonita, y feliz ao nuevo!!