Trying to convince my Jamaican coworker of the merits of eating pussy but its like, how do I translate the concept of "how can you have any pudding if you dont eat your meat?"
When I first heard Brooklyn 9-9 was going to do a #MeToo episode, I thought they were finally going to address the way Gina talks to Terry.
Don't get me wrong, I'm not shitposting Gina. She's one of my favourites, and my favourite thing about her is how confident and shame-free she seems in her sexuality. Definitely an archetype I'm so down to watch.
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First off beauty is in the eye of the beholder. No one person appeals to everyone, but every one appeals to some.
Second, if someone does not find you attractive, it is their weakness; not yours. "It's more fun to like things than dislike them"
Last but not least, let's be real it is absolutely undeniable that women like @fishball are just drop dead gorgeous....
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With each new job I work, I just become increasingly convinced that 9/10 companies rely on the Margaritaville Method when it comes to problem solving😂
For all the pokemon cosplay sets on SG, (@stark as misty is a 😍😍😍 example) I don't ever remember a Celadon Gym cosplay multiset, which given the love for pokemon + the only all female gym + SG's premise as a community, seems like a perfect combination. I mean come on, just imagine @pulp as Erika 🔥😩
...I'm aware I said multi and only mentioned...
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Its a really dark reflection of western culture when it seems like the most personally threatened the average woman feels is when they're treated with genuine respect and dignity, and not just some piece of meat
TL;DR: "Men want debt-free virgins with no tattoos"
FALSE. Still all about @pulp <3 , not even lowkey about it