Bass Jazz lesson, zombie movies, ironic mustachio's & watching my friends band kill it today...how can you beat that you may ask. Well, you can't.


Hell yes, should be relocating out of the Texas Panhandle to either LA or San Francisco soon. One of the few perks of being a musician w/ a day gig is that it helps w/ relocation...and insurance.

So if you're in either of those locations gimme a shout as I don't know ANYONE there. Also any advice on areas to live in those locations are...
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Well, after a 16 hr day working for the man it's nice to have a rum n' coke & settle in to watch Zombie High. G'night all & hope you all have a wonderful day.

Luckily tomorrow will only be full of bass guitar, Kung Fu & comics...wow, throw in a D20 & I'm seconds away from high school memories. Hahaha


For those so inclined - feel free to check me out on FB & Instagram:



Or my current band, if you like punk/ska goodness:




Guess who's getting a traditional style zombie rockabilly girl slapping the ol' upright bass tattoo for his b-day...THIS GUY!!!

Photos at the end of the month.


No customers, that means I was able to read some of my Sichen book & watch Fearless & Ip Man. All while being paid!!! Now it's time to relax w/ a zombie movie.


Whew...looks like we all avoided another one!

I know this year will be better b/c not a SINGLE person told me "See you next year!"


4 rums in...watching Zatoichi & then some bass playin'.


We are 98.4% chimp. Anyone telling you differently shouldn't be trusted.

This book gives a brief history of our evolution from the chimp to homo sapiens but really focuses on how our animal tendencies have negatively affected the world we live in & may bring about our own destruction. The author describes himself as "cautiously optimistic" as he is hoping our altruistic qualities lead our
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