Today i feel a little hungover, but my irish drinking buddy asked me to celebrate his culture with him so i guess i'll be hungover tomorrow too. A friend from college is coming down to visit tomorrow, I haven't seen her in a year and before that, i didn't see for close to 5 years. The beach is packed with party people from all over the world, it's kinda nice hearing another language besides spanish. There's a ton of parties this week but i didn't see any worth going to, except for Jazzy Jeff and ?uestlove, from the Roots are having somethin on Thursday.
Tonight is my favorite gig, where I actually get to play the guitar, the way i want to, not to please some artist or producer. i love jamming with these guys and getting paid. My friend JLB, who is a wicked beatboxer, is coming down to sit in. As is my friend Jano, who's a great jungle drummer. I'm amped.
Uh oh, I think i hear my Twisted Sister ringtone on my cell phone. Gots to go
Tonight is my favorite gig, where I actually get to play the guitar, the way i want to, not to please some artist or producer. i love jamming with these guys and getting paid. My friend JLB, who is a wicked beatboxer, is coming down to sit in. As is my friend Jano, who's a great jungle drummer. I'm amped.
Uh oh, I think i hear my Twisted Sister ringtone on my cell phone. Gots to go
What kind of farm animal? Did you spin in it around to make it confused or was it confused when you met up with it? I'm tryin to get a clearer mental picture. OK, I'm makin myself sick.