Everyday i have more and more literary shit i have to read and I'm starting to think in an incoherent mixture of abstract theory. I.E. Instead of thinking "Wow, that pizza is really good" i think "I only think that is pizza because that is what my society has disciplined me to believe is pizza, although techinically we will never agree on the term pizza since pizza is an arbitrary concept despite the fact its perfectly tangible (though we will certainly NEVER agree on an abstract term such as good). There is no ideal pizza that we can all share meaning with, in fact the only reason I'm calling this congealed mass of food products pizza is because that is the predetermined value that has been asigned to the object by the ruling class males probably conjectued subconsciously through an manifestation of latent thoughts." Like no joke, thats what some of my classes are like, its fucking mind boggling i can even remember to tie my shoes anymore.