Heh, its been 6 months so time for a new post. I have 3 classes until my BA is done, want to travel the world looking for the meaning of life. Or the equivalent in adventure form. Promoted at work to Master Prep which means I cut all the fish for the sushi and order everyone else around. And my ipod gets to be on all day (or at least until my manager Yoshi explains "this song reminds me of a headache I once had" and procedes to shut it off). Cut off all ties with the Ex future Mrs. Me. Since I am single and on the prowl my drinking/going out factor has risen about 500% since January. I will prolly need a new liver by the next time I get around to posting. For the casual observer who finds this page, this should be enough for you to judge me accordingly.

I'm in Orlando. One day I just thought it would be fun to look up the zip code to Cassadaga and use it for SG. Just missed a Bright Eyes concert here in Orlando.
Sushi is good. Very, very good. Hmm...well, it does seem like I'll be having some free time coming up after my trip. Tell me, how good is the sushi there?