havent written in a while so here goes
to the 3 people who read this;
Hi, how ya doing?
I got lied to by my managers about open positions at work, so someone besides me got promoted under my nose. Although im the highest preformer at work this guy has more experience (I think) than I do, so I cant be mad at him. However this is another strike on the respect I have for my management whos recent cowardly and counterproductive behavior infuriates me, only because Ive experience what a REAL manager is like.
Aside from that its the usual garbage of going to work, paying off my debt, and being bored. Although I have been to 5 concerts in the last month and am planning a trip to Virginia Beach for a metal festival where I will bask in the glory that is SLAYER, and then about a month later its off to charlotte for METALLICA.
I had a girl from NY visiting for a 2 week and it didnt go well, thats really all there is too it.
Girl, psshh, amirite guyz?

havent written in a while so here goes
to the 3 people who read this;
Hi, how ya doing?
I got lied to by my managers about open positions at work, so someone besides me got promoted under my nose. Although im the highest preformer at work this guy has more experience (I think) than I do, so I cant be mad at him. However this is another strike on the respect I have for my management whos recent cowardly and counterproductive behavior infuriates me, only because Ive experience what a REAL manager is like.
Aside from that its the usual garbage of going to work, paying off my debt, and being bored. Although I have been to 5 concerts in the last month and am planning a trip to Virginia Beach for a metal festival where I will bask in the glory that is SLAYER, and then about a month later its off to charlotte for METALLICA.
I had a girl from NY visiting for a 2 week and it didnt go well, thats really all there is too it.
Girl, psshh, amirite guyz?

2 weeks!? Jesus... did she pay rent lol