I recently inhereted one of these "moleskine" notebooks and have been doing a day to day sort of a brain-art-fart journal
Well a manager at work saw it, and they want me to post my work, at work
super sweet
and sooooo ive been meaning to write about the Double feature thing I went to on friday, but I had to work a double two days in a row
So I enter what used to be a dilapidated theatre, and has now become a most excellent movie house. We enter the upstairs lobby where a bunch of movie posters and displays about film history hang around to look at before the show starts
We go into one of the MANY theatres and sit down, the light dim and a 2 minute BAD ASS montage cut together by the people putting this on is played, this montage is made up of various bits and peices of scifi and horror movies, set to Me first and the Gimme Gimmes cover of Science ficton double feature (DURPH). two guys come out do a schtick about upcoming events (including a film festival, and THREE feature fundraiser next month where they will be showing an original print of transformer the animated movie zomg zomg zomg) and then they gave out some SWEET ASS DOOR PRIZES.
Now keep in mind these guys are program directors at the theatre, so they get to go to warehouses find old movies and older memerobilia, one guy told me last year they had an ORIGINAL army of darkness Standee and gave that out, not to mention the second feature they showed (the visitor) was a directors cut, the only one in EXISTENCE that they found festering in a warehouse somewhere in gerogia.
In between the films they had old trailers play and the overall experience was ORGASMIC, also to promote the upcoming film festival they showed a short film that was AWESOME.
Oh, by the way, that second movie, the visitor, GREATEST.MOVIE.EVER.

Well a manager at work saw it, and they want me to post my work, at work
super sweet
and sooooo ive been meaning to write about the Double feature thing I went to on friday, but I had to work a double two days in a row
So I enter what used to be a dilapidated theatre, and has now become a most excellent movie house. We enter the upstairs lobby where a bunch of movie posters and displays about film history hang around to look at before the show starts
We go into one of the MANY theatres and sit down, the light dim and a 2 minute BAD ASS montage cut together by the people putting this on is played, this montage is made up of various bits and peices of scifi and horror movies, set to Me first and the Gimme Gimmes cover of Science ficton double feature (DURPH). two guys come out do a schtick about upcoming events (including a film festival, and THREE feature fundraiser next month where they will be showing an original print of transformer the animated movie zomg zomg zomg) and then they gave out some SWEET ASS DOOR PRIZES.
Now keep in mind these guys are program directors at the theatre, so they get to go to warehouses find old movies and older memerobilia, one guy told me last year they had an ORIGINAL army of darkness Standee and gave that out, not to mention the second feature they showed (the visitor) was a directors cut, the only one in EXISTENCE that they found festering in a warehouse somewhere in gerogia.
In between the films they had old trailers play and the overall experience was ORGASMIC, also to promote the upcoming film festival they showed a short film that was AWESOME.
Oh, by the way, that second movie, the visitor, GREATEST.MOVIE.EVER.

oh yeah, wearing long underwear and my atheist t-shirt is how i snag the dudes.

sounds like trashfilm without the douche bags