Im going to a horror movie double feature tonight
Im SUPER excited
AND BEFORE YOU SAY ANYTHING, Yes its from FOX NEWS get over yourself.
The scary thing? This isnt the beginning, this sort of thing is as old as time, its called behavior control. Smoking has now almost become banned completely, it took 40 years but we're almost there. We've demonized the thing, we've demonized those participating, and people are being rallied for causes like this. This behavior control BULLSHIT is our faults which is the worst part.
The seatbelt law
The helmet Law
The DNA extraction law (taking of DNA upon arrest)
All of this makes sense doesnt it? Oh except for the undeniable fact that it infringes on general freedoms it is BEHAVIOR CONTROL, Protecting you from yourself. Not to mention with the DNA extraction, what ever happened to innocent until proven guilty? Im steaming right now.
And also everyone leaving CA in RECORD NUMBERS I commend you, get the FUCK OUT WHILE YOU CAN.
By the way
In case you didnt know
Get off of his dick, hes a politician just like the rest.

Im going to a horror movie double feature tonight
Im SUPER excited
AND BEFORE YOU SAY ANYTHING, Yes its from FOX NEWS get over yourself.
The scary thing? This isnt the beginning, this sort of thing is as old as time, its called behavior control. Smoking has now almost become banned completely, it took 40 years but we're almost there. We've demonized the thing, we've demonized those participating, and people are being rallied for causes like this. This behavior control BULLSHIT is our faults which is the worst part.
The seatbelt law
The helmet Law
The DNA extraction law (taking of DNA upon arrest)
All of this makes sense doesnt it? Oh except for the undeniable fact that it infringes on general freedoms it is BEHAVIOR CONTROL, Protecting you from yourself. Not to mention with the DNA extraction, what ever happened to innocent until proven guilty? Im steaming right now.
And also everyone leaving CA in RECORD NUMBERS I commend you, get the FUCK OUT WHILE YOU CAN.
By the way
In case you didnt know
Get off of his dick, hes a politician just like the rest.

i got megatron. sweet.
how was the movie?