UPDATE No. 2!!!!
Disneyland was amazing
Was there ever any doubt in your mind? Cause if there is/was YOU HAVE NO SOUL
Anyway, it was great, just me and my dad, he was a grumpy-butt for the most of the day, but we managed, and also had another TWO conversation that got waist deep about the line between something you love being your persona or being PART of your persona, and the cheapening of something with integrity, by making it more of a commodity. I also had a monte cristo sandwhich today. Dont know what that is? let me break it down
1. Get ham, turkey, cheese (some sort of fancy kind)
3. put powdered sugar on top
4. serve with sweet berry syrup
I have a boner thinking about it right now
I think there is obviously a certain lure to DL and it translates on so many levels. The "cast members" dont answer you question straight forward, they have this obama-esque ability to play BOTH sides of the question, never really giving a definative answer, or inkling of one without a wink or suggestive nod inserted. I think this air of innocence and mystery is why one of my many dream is. . .
To have sex at disneyland
I dont know WHAT it is, but man is it one HELL of an urge, lemme tell you. It also didnt help that (and parond my french) BITCHES WAS EVERWHAR. Im serious, the ladies were out to soak in some kool-aid laden fun, and to take the twins for a walk. I honestly think I have EVER seen more cleavage in one place, EVER. At one point I actually found myself distracted at dinner by the woman sitting behind my dad*. Not just because of the cleavage, because she was leaning forward on the table and drinking from a water bottle NOT USING HER HANDS. I had to go into the bathroom and splash myself with cold water. Its just something that makes it hotter, because im in disneyland, I should be eating cotton candy
Another thing about disneyland I love is separation of the two peoples, Jerks, and non-jerks. the great thing about the two warring sides is that when one experinences injustice, EVERYONE is in on it. Take for example, Yellow shirt Douche-face (here on referred to as YSDF). This guy was one hawthorne heights son away from popping collar and attempting to mack ladies*. While in line for space mountain* YSDF decided (in a VERY unsneaky way) to cut in line. Its hot, people's feet hurt, and most of the parents are by now regretting EVER having children with EYES, and YSDF is hopping over the chains to get on the ride just a LITTLE early. Well in the spirit of vigilante justice a dad with his kids called the shit sandwich out and reported him to the local authorities, who proceeded to tar and feather him and drag his screaming broken visage of a body thought main st USA
In reality after the dad called YSDF out other people in the classic ways of mob mentality joined in to Verbally tar and feather him, which made me elated and caused me to interject broken "YEAH"s and "BACKADALINE"s to which he was returned from whence he came, only to cut in line again and this time get away with it.
Disneyland also made me add another enemy to my own personal rouge's gallery
Fat Asian Kids
Two situations today made me hate Specifically these little unruly bastards, a whole group of them were pushing and yelling and being retarded while I was trying to make a lightsaber (and fucking BITCHIN' one I might add) and almost giving the cast member helping a brain clot, which would deliver them SWEET DEATH. Also in attempts to further myself from the glorious cleavage from dinner, I got in line and rode Big thunder railroad. the entire time there was a child screaming in what seemed to be a variation of morse code. I thought it was some little girl, or group of girls entertaining each other, but when the ride STOPPED and the (AHH-AHH-AHH) screaming continued, I couldnt help but look back to find none other than a FAT ASIAN KID, the word MURDER ran though my head about 12 times before I snapped out of a white hot rage.
Other than that it was awesome, I love disneyland a lot, it is a huge part of my childhood, and the park itself has always fascinated me.
*1. After telling my dad about this he agreed saying "its worse when you are giving communion, and you see down their shirts". Thanks for that awkward moment PASTOR thornton
*2. Only to be turned down by said ladies, to which there reaction is to go for the 12 year old sister, think about it, you know its true
*3. Ride this ride TWICE at disneylandonce normal, then another time with the song "STAR GUITAR" by shinichi Osawa playing, make sure you start the song WHEN the rid starts, it fits perfectly, and adds a lot I think
Well tomorrow I see batman at 11 o'clock here in LA, and then its off to arizona!
Well wishes bitches
PS. Boobs LOL
Disneyland was amazing
Was there ever any doubt in your mind? Cause if there is/was YOU HAVE NO SOUL
Anyway, it was great, just me and my dad, he was a grumpy-butt for the most of the day, but we managed, and also had another TWO conversation that got waist deep about the line between something you love being your persona or being PART of your persona, and the cheapening of something with integrity, by making it more of a commodity. I also had a monte cristo sandwhich today. Dont know what that is? let me break it down
1. Get ham, turkey, cheese (some sort of fancy kind)
3. put powdered sugar on top
4. serve with sweet berry syrup
I have a boner thinking about it right now
I think there is obviously a certain lure to DL and it translates on so many levels. The "cast members" dont answer you question straight forward, they have this obama-esque ability to play BOTH sides of the question, never really giving a definative answer, or inkling of one without a wink or suggestive nod inserted. I think this air of innocence and mystery is why one of my many dream is. . .
To have sex at disneyland
I dont know WHAT it is, but man is it one HELL of an urge, lemme tell you. It also didnt help that (and parond my french) BITCHES WAS EVERWHAR. Im serious, the ladies were out to soak in some kool-aid laden fun, and to take the twins for a walk. I honestly think I have EVER seen more cleavage in one place, EVER. At one point I actually found myself distracted at dinner by the woman sitting behind my dad*. Not just because of the cleavage, because she was leaning forward on the table and drinking from a water bottle NOT USING HER HANDS. I had to go into the bathroom and splash myself with cold water. Its just something that makes it hotter, because im in disneyland, I should be eating cotton candy
Another thing about disneyland I love is separation of the two peoples, Jerks, and non-jerks. the great thing about the two warring sides is that when one experinences injustice, EVERYONE is in on it. Take for example, Yellow shirt Douche-face (here on referred to as YSDF). This guy was one hawthorne heights son away from popping collar and attempting to mack ladies*. While in line for space mountain* YSDF decided (in a VERY unsneaky way) to cut in line. Its hot, people's feet hurt, and most of the parents are by now regretting EVER having children with EYES, and YSDF is hopping over the chains to get on the ride just a LITTLE early. Well in the spirit of vigilante justice a dad with his kids called the shit sandwich out and reported him to the local authorities, who proceeded to tar and feather him and drag his screaming broken visage of a body thought main st USA
In reality after the dad called YSDF out other people in the classic ways of mob mentality joined in to Verbally tar and feather him, which made me elated and caused me to interject broken "YEAH"s and "BACKADALINE"s to which he was returned from whence he came, only to cut in line again and this time get away with it.
Disneyland also made me add another enemy to my own personal rouge's gallery
Fat Asian Kids
Two situations today made me hate Specifically these little unruly bastards, a whole group of them were pushing and yelling and being retarded while I was trying to make a lightsaber (and fucking BITCHIN' one I might add) and almost giving the cast member helping a brain clot, which would deliver them SWEET DEATH. Also in attempts to further myself from the glorious cleavage from dinner, I got in line and rode Big thunder railroad. the entire time there was a child screaming in what seemed to be a variation of morse code. I thought it was some little girl, or group of girls entertaining each other, but when the ride STOPPED and the (AHH-AHH-AHH) screaming continued, I couldnt help but look back to find none other than a FAT ASIAN KID, the word MURDER ran though my head about 12 times before I snapped out of a white hot rage.
Other than that it was awesome, I love disneyland a lot, it is a huge part of my childhood, and the park itself has always fascinated me.
*1. After telling my dad about this he agreed saying "its worse when you are giving communion, and you see down their shirts". Thanks for that awkward moment PASTOR thornton
*2. Only to be turned down by said ladies, to which there reaction is to go for the 12 year old sister, think about it, you know its true
*3. Ride this ride TWICE at disneylandonce normal, then another time with the song "STAR GUITAR" by shinichi Osawa playing, make sure you start the song WHEN the rid starts, it fits perfectly, and adds a lot I think
Well tomorrow I see batman at 11 o'clock here in LA, and then its off to arizona!
Well wishes bitches
PS. Boobs LOL

