Well done to Shakey for winning his first race in the BSB this year!
I've been so busy at work since I've started.Long 14hr days and hot temperatures have left me knackered!I'm really enjoying though despite the fact that some of the older boys are testing out the new guy(being me!)and seeing how far they can push me.Luckily my colleages have been really supportive and are giving good advice on how to handle these situations.I've had some good feedback from my line manager,so I'll be expecting promotion and payrise soon!

Because they paid me 2 months wages while I was waiting for my police check to come through I'll be working like a dog over the summer hols' to make up my hours,so wont be seeing Roz much at all,which is a nightmare but will hopefully mean I wont have to work over christmas,fingers crossed!
Well, you know. We don't wanna sell the Duc, but we have to. It's actually that simple....
What's up with our pets? It's just me playing pet rescue.