Today is Jerry Garcia's Birthday. He would have been 63. So for all of those that want to laugh cuz I just wrote that go ahead, but without him Angie wouldnt be who she is today. He was and always will be magical, and when I hear him...he gives me hope and a smile which is more than I can say for the rest of the shit inmy life. So if you have The Grateful Dead, listen to some today, and if you dont try to....I'll be spinnin and twirling all day to him and the boys sending out kind healing loving beautiful vibes wherever they need to be sent. Its all about the vibes people. It really is. careful who and what you touch in your lives because even the smallest touch of something that is negative karma that you might think is positive will leave a bad taste in your karmic soul region for a long long time. Just cuz they are there doesnt mean you need them, that goes for vaginas, pills, joints, beers, etc............... but never worry cuz ITS ALL GRAVY LOL
p.s. thanks for cleaning my glasses but i need you to do it again <clap clap> come yee servent of glasses cleanings lol
id also like to add i just had some wicked ass amazing good luvin LOL like WHOA mmmyeah i hope ya'll get some as good as that shit
mmmmm tan boys with curly hair that are really tall and have amazing arms like whoa drool
also i might go grey, and well im not gonna be comin back lol i duno when that is but i think its this week. in the meantime im taking a leave of absense from sg and all the sg related things inmy life. so you all though. and on that note i wanted to put this......
*i'll stick to this road i've taken,
even if i've been mistaken
everything i do - this moment i seize
inspire myself, i believe what i believe.
this world is in its perfect place,
with that one foot in the grave
it's always been something i've had to say...
i won't shut up and i won't go away*
later taters.

p.s. thanks for cleaning my glasses but i need you to do it again <clap clap> come yee servent of glasses cleanings lol

id also like to add i just had some wicked ass amazing good luvin LOL like WHOA mmmyeah i hope ya'll get some as good as that shit

also i might go grey, and well im not gonna be comin back lol i duno when that is but i think its this week. in the meantime im taking a leave of absense from sg and all the sg related things inmy life. so you all though. and on that note i wanted to put this......
*i'll stick to this road i've taken,
even if i've been mistaken
everything i do - this moment i seize
inspire myself, i believe what i believe.
this world is in its perfect place,
with that one foot in the grave
it's always been something i've had to say...
i won't shut up and i won't go away*
later taters.
i still miss him too
Yeah I was thinking about that. But I dont really want to get any facial peircings right now. I just dont know how it would look on me. Yeah I know I have to get my pics up. I just cant figure it out
It just too confusing!!! :screams: